使用faster rcnn 跑vot2015的数据集 本周老师给的任务: 一是将VOT15数据集(世华已传到服务器上)上每个序列的第1,11,21,31,41帧分别运行Faster R-CNN检测器并保存在图片上显示的检测结果; 二是将这5帧的ground truth bounding box作为proposal得到其对应的检测器分类结果(比如网络要检测20类物体,那包括背景就...
vot-toolkit的GitHub下载地址:https://github.com/votchallenge/vot-toolkit vot2015的dataset下载地址:http://data.votchallenge.net/vot2015/vot2015.zip 1.准备过程 1. 下载视频库(dataset) 2. 下载vot-toolkit 3. 解压下载的vot-toolkit到文件夹“vot-toolkit-master”下,如下图 4. 在当前文件夹下面新建一...
VOT2015冬季休闲皮鞋 京东优评,为您推荐的“VOT2015冬季休闲皮鞋”相关产品的购买用户评价 穿行舒适(381) , 尺码精准(200) , 样式靓丽(60) , 保暖舒适(25) , 穿搭美观(9) , 质感一流(8) , 耐磨防滑(2) , 修脚显瘦(1) , 鞋型好看(1) , 鞋型修脚(1) ....
http://www.votchallenge.net/vot2015/ 12 December 2015, Santiago, Chile Full day workshop in conjunction with the ICCV2015 Start of the challenge: 25. July Paper submission deadline: 1. September Results submission deadline: 7. September ...
This is a simple example to teach you how to use vot2015. I use KCF algrithom as an example to present you how to merge the KCF with VOT2015. The KCF algrithom is located at .\vot-toolkit-master\vot-workspace\tracker. The below website may help you have a good understand of the...
官网下载地址http://www.votchallenge.net 很麻烦要一个一个下载,15年以后还得配置工具包 otb也是官网下载下来 本人用benchmark下载下来的,原来想直接跑代码,没有找到数据集现在传一份给大家,免得也得搞那个工具包。 文件在网盘上面有vot2013-2016的全套数据集+OTB100数据集。 2019.4.9更新!!!注意:VOT2015因为是...
The Visual Object Tracking challenge 2015, VOT2015, aims at comparing short-term single-object visual trackers that do not apply pre-learned models of object appearance. Results of 62 trackers are presented. The number of tested trackers makes VOT 2015 the largest benchmark on short-term tracking...
See what your friends are saying about Votvírák 2015. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they’ve recommended. orSign up with email 1Tip and review Log into leave a tip here. ...
官网下载地址http://www.votchallenge.net 很麻烦要一个一个下载,15年以后还得配置工具包 otb也是官网下载下来 本人用benchmark下载下来的,原来想直接跑代码,没有找到数据集现在传一份给大家,免得也得搞那个工具包。 文件在网盘上面有vot2013-2016的全套数据集+OTB100数据集。 2019.4.9更新!!!注意:VOT2015因为是...