I see that the files are being loaded in the correct locations but these mods do not work. When downloading the mods manually without Vortex, I can get the mods working. Attatched are the exact mods that were downloaded manually but do...
'Adding Monster Hunter: World to the Wine Prefix Registry 1/2' key: 'InstallLocation' name: 'set_regedit' path: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 582010' prefix: '$GAMEDIR' type: 'REG_SZ' ...
Last night when I went to sleep FO4 was working perfectly. In the morning I tried to use BodySlide and found many nifs were missing. In trying to figure out where those went, I discovered that around 90% of my .esps had Anyway, I have no
While trying play 7 Days to Die Alpha 17.2 Stable with several mods (Including Farming, Weapons of Some Destruction) the mods do not deploy to the correct location and they do not work in this version of the game. For mods to work in Alpha 17+, they should go in a folder named "Mo...