STL File T-Rex 3.0 T-Rex 2+ T-Rex 2 T-Rex+ T-Rex Information EN YorubaJavaneseIndonesianSundaneseHindiYiddishIgboArmenianHungarianGreekHebrewUzbekUkrainianUrduWelshTurkishTamilTeluguTajikSomaliCebuanoSwahiliSlovenianSlovakEsperantoSinhalaSesothoSerbianSwedishChichewaPunjabiNorwegianNepaliZuluHmongBengaliMon...
If you purchased "with ABS print parts", you do not need to print any additional printed parts. 3.( link to this print is the installation print of the Voron2.4 XY-...
Printed PartsNOT included InterfaceUSB - Connection Supported OSWindows (7+), Mac OS X (10.7+) Supported FormatsSTL, OBJ *Note these specs are based on the BASE kit. Some specs are subject to change based on available upgrades/personal modifications. ...
You can Download JUST the STL folder by clicking HERE Printed Parts Guide The official release of the Voron Zero 3D printer. You can find the BOM in the configurator located at the Voron Design website. The current revision is V0.2r1 Highlights Compact and portable 120x120x120 build volume ...
FYSETC Voron V0.2 Pro R1 Corexy Full Kit Upgraded Voron 0.2 3D Printer Kit with Enclosed Panels and Printed Parts Impresora 3DUSD 407.00-573.65/piece Prusa Enclosure Metal Printer Box Noise Reduction with LED Light and Air Purifier for Prusa MK3 MK4 Ender 2 3 Pro Anycubi MegaUSD 170.82-222....
You can find all printed parts in VORON website, VORON github. Printed parts are not included in our VORON 2.4 kit. As VORON official provide you options on some particular printed part of the machine. Like the plug panel at the back of VORON machine, you can choose plug_panel or plug...
You can find all printed parts in VORON website, VORON github. Printed parts are not included in our VORON 2.4 kit. As VORON official provide you options on some particular printed part of the machine. Like the plug panel at the back of VORON machine, you can choose plug_panel or plug...
There are holes and slots left open for adding an enclosure later, but these are discrete, and don’t mar the overall look of the printers. The branding is a low-key “Sovol” printed on the top bar. It comes with a few premium features, like a hidden LED light and an easy-to-acc...
2.If you purchased "with CNC aluminum", you will still need to print some of the printed parts yourself.we can send you the stl 3.If you purchased "with ABS print parts", you do not need to print any additional printed parts.
Printed parts changed, bed position moved 3mm to the rear Feet/Skirts Trident skirt community mod folded into official release Front Idlers Cam locks added V0.1 Inital release (2021 April) See V0.0 Updates and fixes (2020 Sept) ...