DIY voron2.4 3D打印机,需要获得官方的BOM表,按照表里列出的配件购买,自制打印机。 如何获得bom表并选择? 打开官网链接: voron2.4官方网站 上面图片的configurator就是自己按需获得官网的BOM表,BOM表意思就是材料的采购清单。 点击configurator 可以自定义材料采购清单 点击next,出现...
在官网界面点击 Printers,在下列列表里点击 VORON Trident。 确保目录的标题是 VORON TRIDENT,点击Configurator进行配置。弹出一句废话,直接点 Next。 下面选择挤出机是近程还是远程,第一个是近程也是官方推荐,第二个是远程。选第一个,Next。 然后选择框架连接的形式,第一个是直接用型材连接,这也是官方推荐,第二个是... is the perfect place for enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels to come together and explore the world of Voron Designed 3D Printers and accessories. Our thriving community, now over a year old, invites you to join us in welcoming fellow hobbyists as we work together to build...
To keep things organized, StealthBurner’s files are maintained separately. the Stealthburner Repository can be browsed by clicking HERE The official release of the Voron 2.4 3d printer. You can find the BOM in the configurator located at the Voron Design website....
.gitignore LICENSE Repository files navigation README License Voron 2.4 The official release of the Voron 2.4 3d printer. You can find the BOM in the configurator located at theVoron Designwebsite. Packages No packages published
Voron does not currently support dual extrusion, dual hot ends, tool changers, or other multimaterial solutions. The only exception to this is the bowden Y splitter attachment which is available for the Afterburner tool head. –please note that this attachment is still considered “beta” level... Marlin/ View more Buyer Questions & Answers (1) hola una pregunta que medidas tiene la placa hola una pregunta que medidas tiene la placa Sold by Mellow 3D Official Store(Trader) Ship to Canada ...
在这里可以看到当前的版本是VORON V2.4,我们点击「Configurator」,就可以开始配置 开始配置之旅 这个选项会通过一系列的问题与选择,为你的3D打印机VORON2.4生成一个定制的配置材料清单。 点击「Next」,开始吧 。 选择耗材进料方式 在这里凌顺实验室选择的是「近程挤出」,也是VORON官方推荐的选项,选它选它选它。当然...
确保A/B皮带的长度相同,这有助于在组装时验证皮带路径,也有助于在装配过程中保持皮带的张力一致。 确保所有Z带的长度相同,这有助于张力一致。 装配完毕后,不要将皮带切成齐平,留出一两英寸(1英寸等于2.54厘米)用于调整或重新装配。 龙门架组装 在将龙门架安装到框架中之前,在拧紧之前测量龙门架的外部宽度,以确...
I don’t know if this is ok. This was generated with the configurator. I don’t know the thermistors value. 0 Phaedrux Moderator 18 Oct 2022, 02:42 Ideally you'd be able to find the thermistor values from the manufacturer. Those values are pretty generic, so should read something ...