实际上是我们使用的命令不对,对于使用默认Z限位方案的Voron2.4来说,我们应该使用Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE命令而不是PROBE_CALIBRATE命令,配置文件中也给了我们充分提示: 首先我们通过控制台将打印头归零,然后将打印头移动到热床中间位置: 当然后执行Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE命令: 这时会弹出z补偿调整页面: 如果你的Fluidd控制...
这个探头探测值可以更新到[probe]的z_offset。然后G28归位,执行2次Z_TILT_ADJUST进行调平。再G28归位。移动到(125,125,10)。然后执行Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE,用TESTZ Z=-1逐渐减少高度。快接近热床时,在热床和喷嘴之间放一张A4纸,用TESTZ Z=-0.1降低高度,并尝试拖动A4纸,直到感觉拖动阻力增大为止。再发送一个...
A Klipper Extension for the Probe Obj that allows the first probe sample to be discarded from the following command: PROBE,PROBE_ACCURACY,PROBE_CALIBRATE,QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL,BED_MESH_CALIBRATE,SCREWS_TILT_CALCULATE,Z_TILT_ADJUST,PROBE_Z_ACCURACY, and CALIBRATE_Z ...
## After you run Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE, position_endstop will be stored at the very end of your config #position_endstop:-5 position_max: 230 position_min: -15 homing_speed: 8 second_homing_speed: 3 [stepper_z1] step_pin:PD6 dir_pin:PD5 enable_pin:!PD7 microsteps:16 rotation_di...
RunZUPorZDOWN(or the associatedSET_GCODE_OFFSETcommand) as needed in the terminal window until you have perfected your squish. RunGET_POSITIONand look for “gcode base”.Note the Z value. Saving your results (V0, Trident, V2) All of the above methods are “transient”. The changes are ...
## 当运行Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE之后,position_endstop将被存储至文件末尾 #position_endstop: -0.5 ## All builds use same Max Z 所有尺寸的TRIDENT都是相同的最大Z行程为250mm position_max: 250 ##--- position_min: -10 homing_speed: 8 second_homing_speed: 3 homing_retract_dist: 5 ## Make su...
CALIBRATE_Z PARK RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=STATE_G32 [gcode_macro PRINT_START] gcode: # Parameters {% set bedtemp = params.BED|int %} {% set hotendtemp = params.HOTEND|int %} {% set chambertemp = params.CHAMBER|default(0)|int %} # BED_MESH_CLEAR ; clear existing bed mesh G28...
Calibrate the offsets. I'm using this Community Improvement ideas - bugs, pull requests welcome. Find me on Voron Toolchangers Discord, or file bugs here. See Tapchanger youtube channel. Credits Basic models from Voron Stealthburner and Voron 0. Mini SB Orbiter cowling form mozartlovescats....
# 2. Calculate the Z-offset using the command - PROBE_CALIBRATE # # 3. From the Fluidd or Mainsail UI, select BED_SCREWS_ADJUST and level your bed # # 4. PID Tune both Extruder & Bed using the following commands # # - PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET=60 # # - PID_CALIBRATE...
z_offset是探头触发时,喷嘴和热床的距离。原来是0,我改成了2。这个在你确定了z轴的position_endstop 后,可以根据实际的探测值修改。但是不改也影响不大。因为探头主要为了调平。只要和实际差的不多,3z轴的相对位置一样,就可以保证3点调平了。实际的z轴零点,还是要靠调节z轴的position_endstop来确定。