Backed by Tencent's years of experience in audiovisual communications, VooV Meeting offers secure, reliable and convenient cloud-based HD conferencing services. Currently, you can use a verification code or an account password to log in to VooV Meeting.
Voov meeting安装说明如何下载 Cloud Meeting Download_Video Conferencing Download_Remote Conferencing Download_Voice Conferencing Download - VooV Meeting 提供pc版、mac版、ios、android版本供您下载,根据需求选择合适您的 安装包。如何注册(以为邮箱注册为例) 打开安装好的应用程序点击 sing up/log in 点击Sign Up...
1、国外人员请用电脑windows环境下载腾讯会议海外版voov meeting,不建议使用手机端,安卓或者苹果手机都有适配问题。这是下载链接 1. For foreigners, please download the overseas version of Tencent Meeting voov meeting in windows environment. It is not recommended to use the mobile ter...
VooV Meeting (which name may be updated by Service Provider from time to time), an application operated by us (including its web version or any other form made available by Service Provider from time to time) and any software in connection with such application (“Application”); and ...
For instance, you may be required to log into a registered VooV Meeting Account to join meetings with users of Tencent Meetings. You agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information (such as your mobile phone number) as requested by us in order to create a guest Account. ...
This privacy policy explains the when, how and why when it comes to processing of your personal information in connection with VooV Meeting (the “Service”), and sets out your choices and rights in relation to that information. Please read it carefully – it is important for you to understa...
Log in with LinkedIn to see content from your network Pricing View all pricing Tencent VooV Meeting (TVM) N/A Unavailable What is Tencent VooV Meeting (TVM)? Tencent VooV Meeting (TVM) is a video conferencing service powered by Tencent that is built for collaboration. With this product, user...
We use cookies, log files, pixel tags, web beacons, scripts, eTags and similar files or technologies to collect and store the information we automatically collect about your device and use of VooV Meeting (the “Service”). You can find out more about cookies and how to control them in ...
For instance, you may be required to log into a registered VooV Meeting Account to join meetings with users of Tencent Meetings. You agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information (such as your mobile phone number) as requested by us in order to create a guest Account. ...