Further coverage ofAngela Rye, Voodoo Magickand SatanicCIAMK ULTRA/MONARCHprogramming is below. TheWalter #GetOutChallengein the movie “GET OUT” has disturbed and bothered me the last couple of nights. “GET OUT” andWalterhas been like a storm cloud hanging over my head. And, I haven’t...
Bay Leaf Come To Me Spell: Why It’s A Powerful Spell December 15, 2021 Spell Casters Near Me: What To Look For December 6, 2021 Categories Candomblé(7) Hoodoo(7) Judaism(7) Shamanism(6) West African Vodun(12) Wicca(6) Zoroastrianism(4) ...
Bay Leaf Come To Me Spell: Why It’s A Powerful Spell December 15, 2021 Spell Casters Near Me: What To Look For December 6, 2021 Categories Candomblé(7) Hoodoo(7) Judaism(7) Shamanism(6) West African Vodun(12) Wicca(6) Zoroastrianism(4) ...
The original topic was not about religion but about the cartoon of the day, but as sometimes it happens with general-topic forums, somehow it drifted to religion (as it also happens with politics). The thing is, when we were kids our moms probably said that if we did not eat our veget...
This religion is not for everyone. Modern Hoodoos are trying to put the ritual back into the hoodoo or vice-versa in other areas of the country. Northern Louisiana near Mississippi and Tennessee and occasionally near Texas it is referred to as Conjure. The word conjure was spoken of ...
I am writing you today to let you know that he hired me to serve as his Director of Development. I start in July! Whether people believe in Voodoo as their faithful religion, or they use it as part of a syncretic faith tradition, there is something to be said about the power of pray...
the dolls are not prominent in Haitian Vodou and not used in Louisiana Voodoo.' Wikipedia goes on to explain, 'The practice has been denounced and declared irrelevant to Voodoo religion by those in High Priesthood of Louisiana Voodoo.' I find that explanation interesting because you can buy vo...
He should’ve stayed with the topic of Voodoo and discussed more of its religion, its practitioners, its manifestations, etc. Informative narrations, but trailed off near the end. Sound effects of doors, footsteps, drum beats, phone ringing, people murmuring at the restaurant, water drips, ...
“Leave religion to the masses. They’re powerless to act on their fanatical beliefs. “When the Prince drinks the sacramental wine, it goes to his head and inspires madness.” “In short; you’re all fucked.” When he finished he looked wrung out, pale and limp like every word was ...
This doesn't mean one is more desirable than the other , but New Orleans Witchcraft is not a religion. New Orleans Witchcraft is more based simply on trying to achieve a goal. There's nothing wrong with that. Most of our lives are spent trying to reach some kind of goas. COMBINATION...