冯·诺伊曼结构(英语:Von Neumann architecture),也称范·诺伊曼模型(Von Neumann model)或普林斯顿结构(Princeton architecture),是一种将程序指令存储器和数据存储器合并在一起的电脑设计概念结构。本词描述的是一种实现通用图灵机的计算设备,以及一种相对于并行计算的序列式结构参考模型(referential model)。
冯·诺伊曼结构(von Neumann architecture),是现代计算机的结构。
The x86 Intel CPU family is generally classified as a Von Neumann Architecture Machine. Most pervasive ISA in the marketplace. Opcodes have zero or more operands. Instructions and operands have strong support for data types. All x86 Assemblers are free, including Microsoft Macro Assembler, ...
The ARCHITECTVon Neumann ArchitectureComputers are builtexactly like this scheme by Turing.There are DATAeither on a local deviceor on the global WORLD of the INTERNET.They can be ADDRESSEDby a local BUS or a global URL.There is a PROCESSORand there is CODEaround the FUTURE VISIONand the PAS...
必应词典为您提供von-Neumann-architecture的释义,n. 冯·诺依曼结构; 网络释义: 诺依曼架构;冯诺依曼架构;
Von Neumann architecture 英文Von Neumann architecture 中文【计】 冯·诺伊曼体系结构
neumann n. 诺伊曼(姓氏) Von 【计】 冯·诺伊曼 von prep. (=from of)(常加在姓前) architecture n. 1.[U]建筑学;建筑术 2.[U]建筑式样,建筑风格 3.[U,C]建筑物 4.[U]结构,构造 5.电脑内部结构 angio architecture 【医】 血管布列, 血管构造 cyto architecture 【医】 细胞结构 bio ...
This chapter describes the features of von Neumann architecture. One major characteristic of von Neumann architecture is sequential operation—a program consists of a series of operations that must be performed in the same sequence each time. This applies to both data processing and scientific ...
计算机科学名人录第二位: 冯·诺依曼 现代计算机之父,20世纪科学全才,数学家! 20世纪最伟大的数学家之一,同时也是计算机科学的奠基人之一。他生于匈牙利,曾就读于德国,后移民到美国,并在普林斯顿大学任教。冯·诺依曼在数学、物理学、计算机科 - 102pai于20241002发
Von Neumann architecture 网络 冯·诺伊曼结构; 诺依曼结构; 架构; 冯诺伊曼结构; 曼结构