Wieland, PForschungslaboratorien der CIBA Aktiengesellschaft, Basel, Pharmazeutische AbteilungAnner, GForschungslaboratorien der CIBA Aktiengesellschaft, Basel, Pharmazeutische AbteilungWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica ActaP. Wieland and G. Anner, Helv. Chim. Acta , 50 , 289 (1967). View Article...
The results show the interesting phenomenon that both attraction and repulsion between the defects occur, only depending upon the geometrical parameters.doi:10.1002/crat.19770121004Dr. rer. nat. Bernd MichelKristall Und Technik
Single doses of 10 mg vitamin K, were well tolerated. No significant injury was observed. The disadvantages indicated in the lowest birth-weight group require further investigation in a larger number of premature infants.doi:10.1159/000306528H. Willi...
Markers as Cyclin D1 and flow cytometry studies of ploidy may help to identify patients at risk for adenocarcinoma during surveillance.U.HalmK.SchoppmeyerJ.MössnerS. Karger AGChirurgische Gastroenterologie
Forsch Komplementa¨rmed Klass Nat 2002;9:229-233.Weinga¨ rtner O. U¨ ber die wissenschaftliche Bearbeitbarkeit der Identifikation eines `arzneilichen Gehalts' von Hochpotenzen. Forsch Komplementa¨rmed Klass Naturheilk 2002; 9: 229-233....
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Sie beschreibt außerdem die Leistungsfähigkeit und bewertet, wie ein Maximum an Vorteilen f眉r den Endverbraucher erreicht werden kann.Simon M. N. RealBrian M. O'ConnorMineralol Technik
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The focus of this work is the accessible presentation and comparison of granular blood leukocytes in eight species of Phoenicopteriformes and Pelecaniformes, which are frequently presented in zoological institutions and therefore of diagnostic interest to the veterinarian evaluating blood smears. High ...
Erster Nachweis von Chalara fraxinea T. Kowalski sp. nov. in Deutschland – ein Verursacher neuartiger Schäden an Eshen. [First record of Chalara fraxinea T. Kowalski sp. nov. in Germany – a new agent of ash decline] Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenshutzdienstes 59 , 121 – 3...