The fast development of endoscopic technology, new diagnostic methods like chromoendoscopy and miniprobe endosonography in combination with a dramatic increase in the incidence of Barrett’s carcinomas lead to a more frequent diagnosis of early stage neoplasias. Therefore, in the last years, local ...
North American Sustainability Reporting Awards Announced.North American Sustainability Reporting Awards Announced.Reports on the second annual North American Sustainability Reporting Awards presented by the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Award...
Ana O StahlbauKuhlmann, U; Ožbolt, A.; Verbesserung der Tragfahigkeit von Ankerplatten mit angeschweißten Kopfbolzendubeln in stabformigen Stahlbetonbauteilen, Forschungsprojekt IGF 17028N, DASt/AIF, lauft seit 2011.]Kuhlmann, U.; Ozbolt, A.; Ruopp, J.: Verbesserung der T...
doi:10.4274/npa.y6202EKNC, AslEKNC, OkanTÜRKCARPAR, HakanOZBAY, HalukArchives of Neuropsychiatry / Nropsikiyatri Arivi
doi:10.1159/000021205M.BoschmannM.RosenbaumR.L.LeibelK.R.SegalS. Karger AGForschende Komplementrmedizin
A biological object was recovered from the pelvic region of an adult woman coded to SK13 unearthed from Oluz Höyük in Amasya, Turkey. The skeleton was dated to the medieval period on the basis of the burial customs and the calibrated 14 C dates. The find was identified as...
Runge AJ, Beesdo K, Lieb R, Wittchen HU. Wie haufig nehmen Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Angststorungen eine psychotherapeutische Behandlung in Anspruch? Verhaltenstherapie. 2008;18:26-34.Runge AJ, Beesdo K, Lieb R, Wittchen H-U (2008) Wie häufig nehmen Jug...
A model- driven development approach to mapping uml state diagrams to synthesizable vhdl. IEEE Trans.Comput., 57:1357-1371, 2008.Wood S., Akehurst D., Uzenkov O., Howells W., McDonald-Maier K.: A Model Driven Development Approach to Mapping UML State Diagrams to Synthesizable VHDL. IEEE...
The units used in this report are U.S. dollars not adjusted for inflation (i.e., the figures incorporate inflationary trends) and not adjusted for future dynamics in exchange rates (i.e., the figures reflect average exchange rates over recent history). If inflation rates or exchange rates ...
Southern Sudanese President Salva Kiir on April 8 denied the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) had plans to boycott April 11-13 elections in Sudan's northern states, only two days after SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum announced the party would do so. Kiir said during a campaign ...