沃尔沃秉承节约每一滴燃料的宗旨,令轻度混合动力车型实现高性能低油耗驾驶表现。 1/2 水晶白 玛瑙黑 牛仔蓝 蝶贝灰 晨光银 星耀沙 薄雾灰 外景 棚拍 内饰 全新演绎,专属座驾 细节至上,专注舒适,打造宜人的 XC90 SUV 驾乘之旅。 探索内饰 功能 有求必应XC90 SUV 以智能科技,缔造无缝驾乘体验。 探索功能...
2020 Volvo XC90 Excellence - BEST Luxury SUV 2020是2020年沃尔沃XC90卓越奖-2020年最佳豪华SUV【AUTOMOHO】的第1集视频,该合集共计2集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
The 455-hp plug-in-hybrid T8 powertrain boosts the XC90 into the quick class of SUVs. All-wheel drive and an eight-speed automatic transmission come with every XC90, no matter the trim level or powertrain. As with many vehicles in this class, the Volvo leans noticeably around curves but...
XC90 is the premium SUV that combines advanced safety and comfort, designed for ultimate elegance and capacity with all 7 passengers in mind. Learn more.
C/D RATING Starting at $81,290 EPA Est. Range 289miles C/D SAYS:Volvo’s new electric EX90 flagship SUV is a pleasant evolution from the gas XC90 and serves as the launch pad for the Swedish brand’s next-gen safety tech.Learn More...
Volvo's first ever SUV - the Volvo XC90 - has scooped the prestigious Motor Trend 2003 Sport/Utility of the Year Award more than a month before the first vehicles arrive in US retailers. Having already notched up a massive 6,000 pre-orders before even a single customer has got behind the...
Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
相关车型 沃尔沃XC90 63.89-78.19万 获取底价 接下来要看 沃尔沃XC90参数配置 沃尔沃品牌大全 沃尔沃XC90报价 沃尔沃XC90图片 沃尔沃XC90点评 沃尔沃XC90资讯 沃尔沃XC90降价 沃尔沃XC90裸车价 沃尔沃XC90问答 沃尔沃XC90社区裤腰带玩车 90 作品 258 粉丝 1 关注 + 关注 ...