The XC60 is Volvo's bold, sporty and muscular challenger in the Small Premium Utility segment. The car is charged with emotive form and energy. It is has the real crossover character with a combination of the traditional city vehicle and a cross coun
The XC60 is Volvo's bold, sporty and muscular challenger in the Small Premium Utility segment. The car is charged with emotive form and energy. It is has the real crossover character with a combination of the traditional city vehicle and a cross coun
2012 D3 AUTOMATIC LHD V60 汽車 認證表文章編號標題型式 31269530-001 Certification data sheet towbar XC90 31836502 Certification data sheet towbar V40 (13-), V40 CROSS COUNTRY 31835323-002 Certification data sheet towbar XC60 31269500-002 Certification data sheet towbars S80 31408842-002 ...
適用於以下的 Volvo Support XC60 清潔內部 | 請使用Volvo所建議的清潔劑及汽車保養產品。定期清潔,若有污漬立即處理。在使用清潔劑之前先以吸塵器吸塵很重要。
適用於以下的 Volvo Support XC60 室內燈 | 乘客室照明可利用在前排座椅及後排座椅上方之控制裝置內的按鍵來啟動/關閉。
沃尔沃(Volvo)两位创始人阿瑟·格布里森和古斯塔夫·拉尔森说过的那样,“车是由人来驾乘的,因此我们做任何事情的指导原则是必须安全”,而这则奠定了沃尔沃90多年来“以人为尊”的造车之路。 ✅指导价:29.69-38.49W ✅排量:2.0T ✅波箱:7档湿式双离合 / 8挡自动 ...
#新款XC60# 当世界山呼海啸,你需要冷静直面风浪;当攻势近在眼前,你需要睿智化解危机;方寸之内,收放自如……上场吧,做沃尔沃一样的男人 #上场即主场#
2012 D3 AUTOMATIC L.H.D V60 汽車 認證表文章編號標題型式 31269530-001 Certification data sheet towbar XC90 31836502 Certification data sheet towbar V40 (13-), V40 CROSS COUNTRY 31835323-002 Certification data sheet towbar XC60 31269500-002 Certification data sheet towbars S80 31408842-002 ...
Volvo沃尔沃S60内饰和外观不愧是二线豪华 沃尔沃很符合我的审美,喜欢冷淡风怎么看都看不腻,非常耐看,北欧绅士Volvo在北欧堪比bba的影响力。