With an SUV's practicality but more style and a better driving experience, the V60 station wagon is an appealing and distinctive alternative to the common luxury crossover.
For car buyers who want something larger than small hatchback but don't want to park an SUV in the garage, the 2023 Volvo V60 and V60 Cross Country are a rare pair of compact station wagons that can address that need. We love wagons; they ride lower to the ground, often weigh less ...
就如同V60 Cross Country的内装与外观冲突一般,V60 Cross Country D4的动力与传动设定,也和粗犷的外观风格有着些许距离。市场所导入的V60 Cross Country D4搭载2.0升直列4缸D4柴油引擎,与其搭配的是8速Geartronic手自排变速箱以及前轮驱动的配置,以及Start/Stop怠速熄火系统与V60家族的Dynamic运动化底盘。是的!...
为什么不选择更高大的SUV啊?这是很多人看到V60 Cross Country所抛出的第一个问题,特别是现在SUV火热销售的年代,SUV在更多人的心目中拥有更强势的地位.其实在中国市场,像V60Cross Country这类型的跨界车型的最大敌人并不是SUV,而是产品自己本身,因为要让消费者去接受,已经不是时间的问题了,而是用车环境和文化底蕴的...
旅行车在欧洲非常流行,但在中美车市里较为小众。各大汽车制造商努力推出SUV的现在,Volvo在美国发布的这款新车让人感动:V60 Cross Country跨界旅行车。 在吉利接手Volvo之后,Volvo涨势迅猛,新Volvo造型越来越美观。来看新旧款对比图: 2019 V60 Wagon VS 2018 V60 Wagon ...
视觉系跨界不羁的灵魂:Volvo V60 Cross Country D4 有时候,只是想要多一些调剂,而非大鱼大肉的浓烈;只是想要多些个性,而不想大鸣大放的张扬。于是乎,运用些许个性化的配件妆点性格,诉说着不羁的灵魂。跨界,不也正是如此的写照,在Volvo V60 Cross Country D4上,我们看见一方面保留着V60原有旅行车的色彩,却透过越...
The V60 Cross Country is Volvo’s 5-door, 5-seat mid-size all-road estate. It is built on the Scalable Product Architecture (SPA), Volvo’s advanced modular product platform that underpins all Volvos in the 90 and 60 Series.Since the introduction of the first Cross Country over 20 years...
適用於以下的 Volvo Support V60 Cross Country 主動式底盤 - 4 C | 主動式底盤「4 C」(Continously Controlled Chassis Concept)會調節避震器特性使汽車的駕駛特性可以調整。有三個設定:Comfort、Sport 及 Advanced。
V60 Cross Country V60CrossCountry Berline S60 Concepts Concepts Patrimoine Patrimoine Explore Concepts Patrimoine Media Contacts Marc Debord PR Manager Téléphone: 0156835450 marc.debord@volvocars.com Céline Leger Assistante Relations Publiques Téléphone: 0156835452 celine.leger-ext@volvocars.com...
FAQs: Volvo V60 Cross Country Years to Avoid Q: Which Volvo V60 Cross Country years should I avoid? We recommend avoiding the 2015, 2016, and 2019 selections. They have the worst reviews from customers. Q: Did any of the Volvo V60 Cross Country years to avoid have other significant issues...