To get the Cross Country, take a standard V60 wagon and give it a bit of a lift. Two and a half inches worth of lift, to be exact, thanks in part to more generous wheels and tires, but largely due to the revised suspension. The Cross Country also gets a hill descent mode, useful...
2017R.H.D 預防安全性 Centrax雪鏈 雪鏈非常實用,尤其是在冬季輪胎不足以應付的冰雪惡劣路況。 AutoSock 雪套可輕易安到車輪上,提升在冰雪上的摩擦力。所需空間小並可重複使用。雪套不會損壞輪胎。 更多資訊 引擎下方保護板 在惡劣條件(例如,顛簸道路或多坑道路)下行駛時,保護引擎、油底殼和變速箱免受碰撞。
2017款V60 Cross Country百公里综合油耗为7.7升,比上代车型提升8.3%。 同时,2017款V60 Cross Country拥有同级最高的201毫米离地间隙,甚至超越了很多豪华中型SUV,越野级的高离地间隙带来了异于寻常的通过性,面对非铺装路面如履平地,即使在坑洼路段,也不必担心底盘剐蹭。2017款V60 Cross Country搭载了博格华纳第五代A...
为什么不选择更高大的SUV啊?这是很多人看到V60 Cross Country所抛出的第一个问题,特别是现在SUV火热销售的年代,SUV在更多人的心目中拥有更强势的地位.其实在中国市场,像V60Cross Country这类型的跨界车型的最大敌人并不是SUV,而是产品自己本身,因为要让消费者去接受,已经不是时间的问题了,而是用车环境和文化底蕴的...
Year* 2017 Style, Configuration, Engine Options* Volvo V60 Cross Country Trim* V60 Cross Country T5 AWD Overview V60 Cross Country T5 AWD Package Includes Price starting at $42,695 Vehicle EPA Classification Small Station Wagons Drivetrain All Wheel Drive Engine Engine Order Code NA Engine Type...
视觉系跨界不羁的灵魂:Volvo V60 Cross Country D4 有时候,只是想要多一些调剂,而非大鱼大肉的浓烈;只是想要多些个性,而不想大鸣大放的张扬。于是乎,运用些许个性化的配件妆点性格,诉说着不羁的灵魂。跨界,不也正是如此的写照,在Volvo V60 Cross Country D4上,我们看见一方面保留着V60原有旅行车的色彩,...
Out of these years, the 2016 Volvo V60 Cross Country is the worst by far. It has some serious electrical issues, which can lead to dangerous conditions in time. The most common complaint was trouble with steering - in this case, it focused mainly on power steering leakage. ...
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With an SUV's practicality but more style and a better driving experience, the V60 station wagon is an appealing and distinctive alternative to the common luxury crossover.