* 4 年 / 8 萬公里免费保養包含:2 次免费基礎保養、4 次免费前後雨刷更换、5 次免费高壓電池性能評估與檢查。 Test Drive 立刻預約試駕 VOLVO 車款,感受斯堪地那維亞精湛的汽車工藝與洗鍊美學。 即刻預約
while it’s paired with sporty Alcantara trim in the A4; full leather seats were yet another option. While the A4 and V60 seats are supportive in corners,
Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid at Volvo Cars Demo Centre test track, rear/side Mots clés: Old V60, Exterior Le copyright du contenu appartient à Volvo Cars, Public Affairs, SE-405 31 Gothenburg, ou à ses sociétés annexes. Tout droit réservé. Les photos et images affichées sur le pr...
2025 V60 Crash Test Results The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gave the 2025 Volvo V60 an overall safety rating of five out of five stars, with four stars in the frontal crash test and five stars in the side crash and rollover tests. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety...
High-speed, rear-end crash test with the V60 Plug-in Hybrid in 55 mph (88 km/h). The rear structure is reinforced with steal beams and other parts to help provied a controlled deformation that helps protect the battery pack (located below the load floor)
海外新車試駕 本次阿源海外試駕的V60 AWD的Drive-E動力系統,是一具2.0直列四缸雙增壓引擎,搭配8速的手自排變速系統,擁有40.8公斤米的扭力,以及310匹的馬力,V60在0-100km/h加速在5.8秒就能完成,電子限速則是250km/h。
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Auto123 reviews the 2024 Volvo V60 Recharge Polestar Engineered, still a rare and prized wagon on the market despite a few flaws.
With an SUV's practicality but more style and a better driving experience, the V60 station wagon is an appealing and distinctive alternative to the common luxury crossover.
With an SUV's practicality but more style and a better driving experience, the V60 station wagon is an appealing and distinctive alternative to the common luxury crossover.