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Our test car didn't have either of these options, but we tested the premium stereo in the 2007 Volvo S80, where we found it was great in the front seats but lacking in the rear. The 2006 Volvo C70 used a similar navigation screen, which we found was subject to plenty of glare on ...
8,沃尔沃S80进口和国产有什么区别 现在只有V8是进口的,其他都是国产的!但是国产的定义就是所有的配件都是进口的,国内组装的!品牌:进口沃尔沃长安沃尔沃车型名称:沃尔沃S804.4v8awd行政版沃尔沃S80Lt6awd至尊版厂家指导价:123.98万67.86万基本参数沃尔沃S804.4v8awd行政版沃尔沃S80Lt6awd至尊版级别:中大型车发动机:4.4l...
S80 2011 T6AWD Automatic 安全和可靠性 在突然变滑的情况下,雪袜很容易安装到车轮上,从而提高在冰雪路面上的摩擦力。它几乎不占用存放空间,而且可以重复使用。
Volvo S80 now also with all-wheel drive Apr 03, 2003ID: 5266 Volvo Monitoring & Concept Center: “We don’t predict the future, we create it! May 17, 2004ID: 4968 Volvo S80 now also with all-wheel drive Apr 03, 2003ID: 5266
UsedVolvo S80in El Paso, TX UsedVolvo 960in Orange, CA ParaCrawl Corpus Volvo S80T6 en Los Angeles CA Volvo S80T6 in Los Angeles CA ParaCrawl Corpus ElVolvo S80D5 AWD es hecho por primera vez en el año 2011. It has been manufactured for the first time in 2011. ...
"On the road, the S80 has a nose for the fast lane, hunkering down at high speeds the way a good European luxury sedan should. Otherwise, though, it drives like a big luxury sedan, which means it's well isolated from the elements but not remotely engaging." ...
The Volvo S80 is now available with the six-cylinder, 285 hp T6 performance engine with All Wheel Drive that was first introduced in the all-new Volvo V70 in March 2007. Another new power train combination for the S80 is the 185 D5 turbo diesel with AWD