Volvo created the V60 T6 AWD R-Design especially for those who crave performance and a more sporting driving experience. It comes dressed with distinctive R-Design visual cues, revved by the performance-tuned T6 engine and enhanced with Advanced Quick Shift transmission optimization software that imp...
S60 T6 Drive-E: $39,000S60 T6 Drive-E Platinum: $42,750S60 T6 AWD R-Design: $43,550S60 T6 AWD R-Design Platinum: $46,950Destination: $925What does Volvo do for an encore with its award-winning S60 sedan following last year’s significant styling revisions? It introduces exciting ...
Volvo S60 T6 AWD R-Design 非常少见的二代六缸四驱S60,3.0升涡轮增压直列六缸,325匹马力,扭矩...
但在这回,当亲身走向那一字排开的全新S60,虽心中仍挂念着,看来此趟旅程与未来国内皆难有机会一试顶级性能的S60 T8 Polestar车款,却随即被这些车款的气势给震撼。纵使S60 T6 R-Design并不如同T8 Polestar车型,有着视觉满点的专属大尺寸胎圈与醒目的金色卡钳制动系统,但T6 R-Design的前气坝、略带鸭尾造型的尾...
2014款 R-Design 3.0T AT个性运动版(T6) 前置四驱 6挡手自一体 49.99万 参数图片对比 2015款 3.0T AT四驱个性运动版(T6) 前置四驱 6挡手自一体 50.69万 参数图片对比 2012款 3.0T AT AWD智尊版(T6) 前置四驱 6挡手自一体 52.98万 参数图片对比 ...
刚性亦提升20%,有助于整体车辆操控的俐落度,同时可减少车辆操控上因重心转移所带来的车体晃动感,拥有更运动化的操控特性,虽然Volvo车系向来以一贯的豪华安全著称,但R-Design套件不再仅是单纯外观妆点,驾驶最容易感受到的动力、操控反应上亦有显著提升,年轻与动感的Volvo再次透过全新S60/V60 T6 R-Design,在...
2015 T6AWD L.H.D S60/S60L Cars Search Word Search all models Safety & Security Comfort & Convenience Tech & Sounds Exterior Interior Wheels Performance Pack & Load Interior InteriorAccessory, R-design, general description, interior Dynamically expressive. Perfectly synchronised. Beautifully...
The S60 is offered as a front-wheel or four-wheel drive T5, as a front-wheel drive T6, or as an all-wheel drive T6 R-Design. Especiallied on the T5 FWD is just one of Volvos’ any new Drive-E engines, a direct-injected turbocharged 240-hp 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine. The T6...
« Les S60 et V60 R-Design à châssis abaissé R-Design, moteur T6 et jantes optionnelles de 19 pouces, tapent dans le mille, poursuit-il. Laissez juste les nouveaux sièges sport vous envelopper tout en éprouvant un plaisir de conduite intense ». Une nouvelle proue exclusive ...