The Volvo Museum is closed. en sv Today open until:5 pm Visit World of Volvo Visit World of Volvo
Volvo Museum was opened in 1995. The ownership is shared between AB Volvo and Volvo Car Corporation.
沃尔沃汽车博物馆 Volvo museum *点击以缩略图片,查看大图! 沃尔沃汽车博物馆实物展示从出产于1927年的沃尔沃第一辆?V4开始到最新设计模型为止的所有车型,包括沃尔沃生产的概念车、客车、卡车甚至还有飞机发动机,你能在这里看完沃尔沃80余年的发展历史一览无遗。 在博物馆陈列物品中,最能代表沃尔沃成功的无疑是PV444车型。
Image gallery of the Volvo Museum in Gothenburg Sweden. Contains a lot of nice pictures of classic Volvo cars and prototypes.
On Saturday 8 May, the Volvo Museum opens its doors for its traditional annual Activities Day. At the same time, there will be celebrations to mark the fact that it is 15 years since the museum was inaugurated in its spacious Arendal premises.
Volvo’s two-story museum showcases convertibles, wagons, sedans, coupes, SUVs, trucks, and even pickups. Visitors are treated to cars from the company’s earliest days, one-of-a-kind prototypes designed with safety in mind, race cars, a SUV made entirely out of Legos, and mass-produced...
Both AB Volvo and Volvo Cars share the Volvo logo and cooperate in running the Volvo Museum in Gothenburg, Sweden.[6]参考译文:沃尔沃成立于1927年。最初涉足汽车制造业,在整个二十世纪扩展到其他制造领域。同样位于哥德堡的汽车制造商沃尔沃汽车曾是AB沃尔沃的一部分,直到1999年被福特汽车公司收购。自2010年...
The Volvo Museum in GothenburgMatt HubbardSpeedmonkey
沃尔沃的商标,由AB Volvo和Volvo Cars共同拥有,它们还联合运营位于哥德堡的沃尔沃博物馆(Volvo Museum)。确切说,沃尔沃的商标属于一家名为Volvo Trademark Holding AB的公司,这家专门处理沃尔沃商标事宜的公司,由AB Volvo和Volvo Cars以50:50的比例共同拥有。
沃尔沃的商标,由AB Volvo和Volvo Cars共同拥有,它们还联合运营位于哥德堡的沃尔沃博物馆(Volvo Museum)。确切说,沃尔沃的商标属于一家名为Volvo Trademark Holding AB的公司,这家专门处理沃尔沃商标事宜的公司,由AB Volvo和Volvo Cars以50:50的比例共同拥有。