This article presents the carbon footprint study performed on Volvo Cars' models XC40\nRecharge (battery electric vehicle, BEV) and XC40 ICE (internal combustion engine\nfuelled with petrol). The study focused on the lifetime emissions from the vehicles under\ncurrent conditions, using current ... 报告对照了 Volve XC40 系列的汽油版(XC40 ICE)和纯电版(XC40Recharge)的碳足迹,结论见图,在20万公里的整个生命周期中,汽油版的碳足迹是58吨,纯电版的碳足迹随供电来源而不同,按当前全球平均来源组合,碳足迹为54吨,...
February 20, 2024 Volvo Cars is streamlining and standardizing its model names for fully electric cars, in line with our ongoing transformation towards becoming a fully electric car Volvo Shows $35K 2025 Volvo EX30 SUV with Low Carbon Footprint from China ...
Over the average lifetime of a vehicle, the carbon footprint of a fully electric vehicle (BEV) is less than that of a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle (ICE). However, the distance needed to be driven for a BEV to become less carbon-intensive than an ICE vehicle largely depend...
This article presents the carbon footprint study performed on Volvo Cars' models XC40 Recharge (battery electric vehicle, BEV) and XC40 ICE (internal combustion engine fuelled with petrol). The study focused on the lifetime emissions from the vehicles under current conditions, using current electrici...
"For life. To give people the freedom to move in a personal, sustainable and safe way." This purpose is reflected in Volvo Cars' ambition to become a fully electric car maker by 2030 and in its commitment to an ongoing reduction of ...
Simultaneously, to further accelerate its carbon footprint reduction, Volvo Cars today also announces the introduction of an internal carbon price of 1,000 SEK for every tonne of carbon emissions from across its entire business, in line with its a...
Volvo Cars is also committed to an ongoing reduction of its carbon footprint, with the ambition to be a climate-neutral company by 2040. ### Keywords: Product News Descriptions and facts in this press material relate to Volvo Cars' international car r...
If you're looking for something a little smaller, you can reserve one of ourVolvo EX30 fully electric SUVsinstead. Whichever you choose, your carbon footprint will surely shrink while your sense of luxury skyrockets. Of course, there are plenty of current models available to explore at our...
Already by mid-decade, Volvo Cars aims to reach a 50 per cent global sales share of fully electric Volvo cars, with a 40 per cent lower carbon footprint per car and profitability of 8-10 per cent. “We remain steadfast on that strategic journey,” added Ji...