volvo c30_owners_manual 沃尔沃c30原版车主手册 下载积分: 1300 内容提示: WEB EDITIONVOlVO C30 OWNEr’s maNualTP 92202008VOlVO C30owner’s manual 文档格式:PDF | 页数:254 | 浏览次数:289 | 上传日期:2021-03-29 13:26:11 | 文档星级: WEB EDITIONVOlVO C30 OWNEr’s maNualTP 92202008VOlVO C30owner...
1、 WEB EDITIONVOlVO C30owners manual Dear Volvo ownerTHANK YOU FOR CHOOSING VOLVOWe hope you will enjoy many years of driving pleasure in your Volvo. The car has been designed for the safety and comfort of you and your passengers. Volvo is one of the safest cars in the world. Your ...
沃尔沃C30说明书为PDF电子版本,沃尔沃C30车主手册帮助车主快速掌握车辆的各种实用功能,免费下载方便携带,沃尔沃C30用户手册是车主必备的电子使用手册。 沃尔沃C30说明书车主手册|Volvo C30 Owner's Manual C30是沃尔沃创新设计的杰作,身为沃尔沃旗下全新的入门车款,C30借由着掀背设定与全新家族风格设计,展现出前所...
点击进入: 沃尔沃C30保养手册|Volvo C30 Maintenance Manual C30是沃尔沃创新设计的杰作,身为沃尔沃旗下全新的入门车款,C30借由着掀背设定与全新家族风格设计,展现出前所未有的年轻个性。沃尔沃C30装备的五缸发动机,排量为2.4升。最大功率为125k...
沃尔沃C30说明书为PDF电子版本,沃尔沃C30车主手册帮助车主快速掌握车辆的各种实用功能,免费下载方便携带,沃尔沃C30用户手册是车主必备的电子使用手册。 C30是沃尔沃创新设计的杰作,身为沃尔沃旗下全新的入门车款,C30借由着掀背设定与全新家族风格设计,展现出前所未有的年轻个性。沃尔沃C30装备的五缸发动机,排量为2.4升。最...
沃尔沃C30保养手册|Volvo C30 Maintenance Manual C30是沃尔沃创新设计的杰作,身为沃尔沃旗下全新的入门车款,C30借由着掀背设定与全新家族风格设计,展现出前所未有的年轻个性。沃尔沃C30装备的五缸发动机,排量为2.4升。最大功率为125kW、最大扭矩为230Nm,强劲的动力表现足以在同级别车中傲视群雄。该款发动机采用了4气门...
Manuals and operating instructions for this Volvo vehicle View all 2008 Volvo C30 manuals We have the following 2008 Volvo C30 manuals available for free PDF download. You may find documents other than just manuals as we also make available many user guides, specifications documents, promotional ...
Engine range, Volvo C30 The figures below are for versions with a manual gearbox running in the mixed driving cycle. Petrol engines Power output Fuel consumption CO2 T5 (2.5 litres) 230 hp/320 Nm 8.7 l/100 km 203 g/km 2.4i 170 hp/230 Nm 8.4 l/100 km 200 g/km 2.0 145 hp/185 ...
With the C30, Volvo made its debut in the segment for two-door premium cars. The sporty design, with two doors, four individual seats, and a glass tailgate, gives a young and dynamic group of customers "a Volvo of their own". The C30 personality has been
沃尔沃C30保养手册|VolvoC30MaintenanceManual 沃尔沃C30保养手册,包含C30保养项目、C30保养周期、C30保养里程等内容。沃尔沃C30保养手册电子版PDF文件可以免费下载收藏至手机,车主随时使用更加方便。 C30是沃尔沃创新设计的杰作,身为沃尔沃旗下全新的入门车款,C30借由着掀背设定与全新家族风格设计,展现出前所未有的年轻个性。