Volusia County, Fla., Planning Board Signs Sea Turtle Lighting Ordinance.Catron, Derek
must hire a District Administrator and District Counsel. Staff members operate utilizing the same formalities as a County Administrator and County Attorney. The Board, through review of advertised Requests for Qualifications, ranks and selects a District Engineer to perform the engineering needs of the...
Trip Planning - directions, regional highlights Recreation - cycling, botanical study, paddling, hiking, boating, wildlife viewing, fishing, and diving Events - annual events in Volusia County Near Me - This feature lists all sites closest to the user. Obviously, this works best when you are in...
From DeLand, it’s less than an hour’s drive, mostly through bucolic mixed agricultural habitat in Seminole County. I distinctly remember driving down one of the shell rock roads, surrounded on both sides by browned, fallow vegetation with little evidence of the legendary concentrations of migrat...
TMDL Report for Blue Spring (Volusia County) and Blue Spring Run (Volusia County), WBIDs 28933 and 28933A)Charles GauthierFlorida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Watershed RestorationWatershed Planning and Coordination Section 2600 Blair Stone Road, Mail Station 3565Tallahassee, F...