Voluntary vs. Involuntary Migration: Explanations of Human TraffickingToogoodLuehrs, Kimairis L
International / Involuntary : Transatlantic Slave Trade Diaspora A group scattered globally by large- scale migration African Diaspora Jewish Diaspora Chinese Diaspora Palestinian Diaspora Internal / Involuntary: Indian Removal west of Mississippi River Waves of immigration, 1840s-1930s Annual Immigration to...
Study 1 showed that stronger agreement with migration being voluntary was associated with lower policy support, while agreement with migration being involuntary was independently associated with higher support. In Study 2 the degree of support was examined as a consequence of feelings of empathy and ...
Voluntary and Involuntary Return MigrationMexican migration to the United States long exhibited a strong circular pattern, as Mexican migrants returned annually to Mexico after working in US agriculture or other industries. With increased...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49778-5_1Roberts, Bryan...
Public attitudes towards support for migrants : the importance of perceived voluntary and involuntary migrationdoi:10.1080/01419870.2017.1367021Maykel VerkuytenKieran MephamMathijs KrosRoutledge
Furthermore, we deploy this class focused approach to forward a rethought rendition of primitive accumulation that destabilizes the de‐politicized category of "displacement" induced migration and binary classification of voluntary‐involuntary migration as presented in the mainstream development literature. ...