Standard unitVolumetric flow rate: litre per second Source unit: British gallon per minute (gpm) Destination unit: litre per minute (l/min) Related categories: VolumeTime Converter You are currently converting Volumetric flow rate units from British gallon per minute to litre per minute ...
You are currently converting Volumetric flow rate units from litre per second to cubic meter per hour 1l/s =3.6m3/h litre per second l/s cubic meter per hour 3.6m3/h Conversion base : 1 l/s = 3.6 m3/h Conversion base : 1 m3/h = 0.27777777777778 l/s ...
Volumetric flow rate in m3/s has been chosen for all mathematical models presented as it is the basic International System of Units (SI) unit. On graphical plots, however, m3/min has been used, as it is more widely quoted in trade literature for blowers and compressors. Conversion factors ...
Using the Volumetric Flow Rate Converter Converter This online unit converter allows quick and accurate conversion between many units of measure, from one system to another. The Unit Conversion page provides a solution for engineers, translators, and for anyone whose activities require working with q...
per hour'. In so doing, either the full name of the unit or its abbreviation can be usedas an example, either 'Cubic foot per hour' or 'cfh'. Then, the calculator determines the category of the measurement unit of measure that is to be converted, in this case 'Volumetric flow rate'...
This tool will calculate the internal diameter of a round pipe or duct that a substance is flowing through, from the rate of volumetric flow and the speed of the flow. A range of conversion values for flow and diameter will also be displayed for each set of input parameters entered. ...
This tool will calculate the flow velocity in any units from the specified volumetric flow rate of a substance flowing through a round duct or pipe of a chosen diameter. For each new calculation a unique conversion scale will be generated for the range of volumetric flow rates and flow speeds...
问题: 从Revit导出IFC时,需要参数IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure具有单位m³/h。当前,当导出RVT模型时,风管和管道的流量为m³/h。导出的IFC值小3600倍。 原因: 这是设计原因,因为默认的SI测量系统流量单位(和IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure)为m³/s。1h为3600秒
auto-conversion between time and rate, auto-calculation of drug concentration and 40 different types of dose unit selectable. Features: a) Automatic infusion door opening and closing, automatic fluid blocking clip b) Open consumables, which are compatible with most consumables c) S...
Volumetric flow rate Standard unitVolumetric flow rate: litre per second Source unit: British gallon per day (gpd) Destination unit: cubic feet per minute (ft3/min) Related categories: VolumeTime Converter You are currently converting Volumetric flow rate units from British gallon per day to cubic...