Find the maximum volume of a rectangular box that can be inscribed in the ellipsoid {eq}\; \frac{x^2}{16} + \frac{y^2}{16} + \frac{z^2}{4} = 1 {/eq}, with sides parallel to the coordinate axes. Lagrange Mu...
Find the volume of the tetrahedron bounded by the plane x + y + z = 1 and the coordinate planes using a double integral. Find the volume of the largest rectangular box with edges parallel to the coordinate axes that can ...
Ellipsoid approximation and image processing in the projected area were used to estimate the volume of watermelons of varying sizes by Koc [15]. Teoh and Syaifudin [16] measured the projected area of mango by image processing and analysis against the actual weight of mango in a graph, the ...
The intersection of a plane and a cube is a geometric computation with applications in computer graphics, solid modeling, and computational astrophysics (e.g., fraction of cell that may be partial ionized or covered by a burning front). The tool cube_and_plane.tbz computes the volume of a...
We also calculated the tumor volume using the equation applied to an ellipsoid by three-dimensional computed tomography. The primary outcome was reduced eGFR, which was defined as an eGFR reduction of ≥20% from baseline to 6 months after RPN. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used ...
Deviation of gray values Minimum, maximum, and average gray value Size: Volume Surface Equivalent diameter (diameter of a sphere with the same volume) Radius or diameter of the circumsphere Shape: Compactness Sphericity Shape of fitted ellipsoid (from a Principal Components Analysis) ...
Dense microcircuit reconstruction techniques have begun to provide ultrafine insight into the architecture of small-scale networks. However, identifying the totality of cells belonging to such neuronal modules, the “inputs” and “outputs,” remains a major challenge. Here, we present the development...
The 30-day Bion-M1 mission offered a unique opportunity to characterize the skeletal changes after spaceflight and an 8-day recovery period in mature male C57/BL6 mice. In the femur metaphysis, spaceflight decreased the trabecular bone volume (−64% vs. Habitat Control), dramatically increased ...
gray-peak specifies the intensity of the gray matter peak in the anatomy volume. white-peak specifies the intensity of the white matter peak in the anatomy volume. padding-code Specify padding for any cut faces when segmenting a partial
> white-peak specifies the intensity of the white matter > peak in the > anatomy volume. > > padding-code > Specify padding for any cut faces when segmenting a > partial hemisphere. > Specify each with either a "Y" for padding or "N" for no ...