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(135)–Poor Outcomes on the Waiting List for Pediatric Lung Retransplant Patients Listed in Low Volume Centersdoi:10.1016/j.healun.2018.01.137B.B. ScullyJ.S. HeinleM.L. KuehtE.D. McKenzieG.B. MalloryE. MelicoffA. RanaThe Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation...
作者:Kenny Dauwe;Virginie Mortier;Marlies Schauvliege;Annelies Van Den Heuvel;Katrien Fransen;Jean-Yves Servais;Danielle Perez Bercoff;Carole Seguin-Devaux;Chris Verhofstede 期刊名称:《BMC Infectious Diseases》 | 2015年第-1期 关键词: HIV-1 non-B infections HIV-1 subtyping Subtyping tools Non...
Launched in 2008 – the same year as ClimateWorks) – the ECF is a regranting foundation like its US counterpart.Hewlett Foundation President Larry Kramer explains: “And here, too, the solution was ingenious. To begin, they proposed to create a central hub—the ClimateWorks...
作者:R E Harris;H P Larsson;E Y Isacoff 期刊名称:《Biophysical Journal》 | 1998年第4期 19.Assembly of ROMK1 (Kir 1.1a) inward rectifier K+ channel subunits involves multiple interaction sites. 机译:ROMK1(Kir 1.1a)内向整流器K +通道亚基的组装涉及多个相互作用位点。 作者:J C Koster;K ...
作者:M Equestre;D Genovese;F Cavalieri;L Fiore;R Santoro;R Perez Bercoff 期刊名称:《Journal of Virology》 | 1991年第5期 73.High-efficiency formation of influenza virus transfectants. 机译:流感病毒转染子的高效形成。 作者:M Enami;P Palese 期刊名称:《Journal of Virology》 | 1991年第5期 ...