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Volume 105, No. 1European Journal of Biochemistry
Always replace components in the “Maintenance” state first, followed by those in the “Last Erred” state. After a component is replaced and resynchronized, use themetastatcommand to verify its state, then validate the data to make sure it is good. Mirrors –If components are in the “Ma...
Aas, T 9 Abbod, MF 931 Abdirad, A 38 Abe, H 1615 Abenhardt, W 206 Abia, D 1600 Abramovitz, M 1574 Abulí, A 870 Abulrob, A 1697 Adelaide, J 304 Adhim, Z 393 Adwan, H 288 Adzovic, S 1741 Afanasyeva, Y 1458 Affolter, A 353 Agerbæk, M 1379 Agnese, DM 1023 Ahmad, AS...
The last expression in the first line is the most intuitively connected to the ER bridge length where we evolved both the left and right boundary points forward in time equally by t/2.7 The equality between the first and second lines can be established by inserting a complete set of states ...
U 678 Last, JI 262 Lattanzio, L 397, 1446 Lau, M 1689 Laurent, S 1926 La Vecchia, C 222 Lawrence, GM 1611 Lax, S 1826 Lazar, V 1107 Lederman, RI 1021 Lee, C 1039 Lee, CK 1045 Lee, HJ 733, 1039, 1591 Lee, J 1469 Lee, JE 1881 Lee, J-L 1039, 1591 Lee, KY 53 Lee, ...
Results of the EPIPAGE cohort study. 2005;193:178-84 Andersen W (see Irvin et al). 2005;193:559-67 Anderson CM, Lopez F, Zhang H-Y, Pavlish K, Benoit JN. Characterization of changes in leptin and leptin receptors in a rat model of preeclampsia. 2005;193:267-72 Anderson WA (see ...
This is a scanned image of the original Editorial Board page(s) for this issue.doi:10.1080/00032718108081406CROSSREFAnalytical Letters
In the last decade, it has also become evident that many types of non-lymphoid tumors display a deregulated activation of ALK. This was first suggested by the work of Dirks et al. (2002), who originally documented the presence of ALK mRNA in many cancer cell lines derived from thyroid, ...
1). Perhaps more importantly, the tumor trafficking properties of MSCs suggest that they could be used to deliver therapeutic or diagnostic agents to sites of prostate cancer, both primary and secondary lesions (Brennen et al. 2013). MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells Recently, there has been an ...