VoLTE Call FlowWe said that S-CSCF is a heart of the IMS. The TAS (MMTel) is the brain. ...
1、MO call flow:1.1、MO UE sends INVITE message to start VoLTE call.1.2、MO UE reveives 100 Trying from network.1.3、MO UE receives 183 Session Progress.1.4、MO UE sends PRACK to indicate having received 183.1.5、MO UE receives 200 OK(PRACK).1.6、MO UE sends UPDATE...
VoLTE call flow and procedures is very big area to cover because of the many scenarios to consider from both UE and network perspective. In this article I will try to put some examples ofVoLTE call flowfrom UE point of view. These procedures are the most important for VOLTE calls. From t...
3)选择菜单Telephony---VoIP Calls,就能看到检测到的2个VoIP呼叫。可通过Initial Speaker的IP地址、From和To头域的值来判断是哪个用户的呼叫。这里我们选择其中一个VoIP呼叫,如下图所示:4)点击左下角的”prepare filter"按钮,如下图所示:在本步骤中,也可以点Flow按钮,可以得到该呼叫的流程图,...
1、MO call flow:1.1、MO UE sends INVITE message to start VoLTE call.1.2、MO UE reveives 10...
1 VoLTE关键知识点1.1 VOLTE概述和基本特征VOLTE是什么最直接简单的理解就是VOIP,因为LTE没有电路域,需要基于分组域提供IP语音业务,即VoLTEVoiceoverLTE网络结构:CSCFCallSessionCont
原文链接:http://www.3glteinfo.com/volte-call-flow-procedures/ VoLTE Call Flow and Procedures VoLTE call flow and procedures is very big area to cover because of the many scenarios to consider from ... volte短信流程-注册 1、UE_A向拜访域P-CSCF发送REGISTER消息,P-CSCF将该消息转发至归属域S-...
focus on a role of Telephony Application Server (TAS) in offline charging during a Voice/Video Call. Charging on the TAS is described in the 3GPP 32.260 and 32.275. The basic charging is fairly simple, but we also have to count withSupplementary Services,Roaming Scenariosand rainy-days ...
Evolution LTE voice solutions VoLTE call; if it is , the current call traffic statistics used, suggesting VoLTE traffic usage statistics according to the flow of the program to avoid the situation because the user does not know VoLTE call consumption data traffic, which led to the detained ...