伏尔泰【英文】 Voltaire SECTION 2 ThePhilosophesAdvocateReason BeliefsofthePhilosophes•ThephilosophesareFrenchsocialcriticsinthemid-1700s•Valuereason,nature,happiness,progress,liberty VoltaireCombatsIntolerance•Voltaire—influentialphilosophe,pennameofFrançoisMarieArouet•Publishesmanyworksarguingfortolerance,...
Voltaire’s work is extremely varied, sometimes self-contradictory. His sentiments are often more personal than universal. He had had bad experiences with Jesuit priests, Protestant enthusiasts, and Jewish businessmen; hence, Jesuits, Calvinists, and Jews are mercilessly lampooned inCandide. He apparen...
I also know that we must cultivate our garden. For when man was put in the Garden of Eden, he was put there ut operaretur eum, to work; which proves that man was not born for rest. —Voltaire 9 Work keeps at bay, three greatevils -- boredom, vice and need. —Voltaire 8 It is...