The article presents the corporate profile of Volkswagenwerk, one of the leading global automobile manufacturers and the largest car maker in Europe based in Wolfsburg, Germany. It operates 48 vehicle production plants in 13 European countries and six countries in the Americas, Asia and Africa. It...
VolkswagenAG ÜberblickGeschäftsfelderUnternehmensgeschichteVolkswageninChina Überblick derKonzernVolkswagen(VW)大众集团汽车(简称VW)mitSitz(总部)inWolfsburg(沃尔夫斯堡)Automobilhersteller(汽车制造商)VWbeschäftigtnahezu265000Menschenan45Fertigungsstätten(生产厂)in18Ländernundbietet(销售,提供)seine...
06/331884 Publication Date: 03/20/1984 Filing Date: 12/17/1981 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Volkswagenwerk AG (Wolfsburg, DE) Primary Class: 123/446 Other Classes: 123/447, 123/467, 123/495, 239/92 ...
Beetle production at Wolfsburg ended upon the Golf's introduction. It continued in smaller numbers at other German factories (Hanover and Emden) until 1978, but mainstream production shifted to Brazil and Mexico. 【参考译文】1974年,大众高尔夫成为了转折点,美国和加拿大将其市场化为第一代(1975-1985)...
大众车标的图形像一只圆形的眼睛,“眼睛”中竖立着“V”“W”两个字母,是德文大众汽车厂(Volkswagen Werk)词组的第一个字母。车标图形也可看成是3个表示“胜利”的“V”字,寓示大众公司及其产品“必胜-必胜-必胜”。 1945年5月,大众汽车城更名为沃尔夫斯堡(Wolfsburg),又称为狼堡。之所以将沃尔夫斯堡称为狼堡,是...
On May 28, 1937, the “Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH“ (Company for the Preparation of the German Volkswagen Ltd.) was formally established. The name was changed to “Volkswagenwerk GmbH” in 1938, and the company built its main plant in what has become Wolfsburg...
Publication Date: 03/30/2017 Filing Date: 09/29/2015 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: VOLKSWAGEN AG (Wolfsburg, DE) International Classes: B62D21/02 Domestic Patent References: DE102011005564A1N/A2012-10-04 ...
mitSitz(总部)inWolfsburg(沃尔夫斯堡) Automobilhersteller(汽车制造商) VWbeschäftigtnahezu265000Menschenan45 Fertigungsstätten(生产厂)in18Ländernundbietet (销售,提供)seineFahrzeugeinmehrals150Ländern an. imJahr2010:absetzen(销售)7.14MillionenPkw ...
Combined Heat and Power Generation for District Heating Systems Taking the Volkswagenwerk and the Town of Wolfsburg as an Example Including a Comparison with Possible Energy Supply Alternatives: Transmitted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany11Prepared by Mr. G. Demand, Engineer, ...
Nama itu kemudian disingkat menjadi “Volkswagenwerk GmbH” dan kantor pusatnya didirikan di Wolfsburg. Tercatat bahwa awalnya, pabrik Volkswagen dimaksudkan untuk produksi massal rata-rata mobil ideal Jerman, sesuai dikte Hitler. Namun, setelah Perang Dunia II pecah, produksi pabrik dialihkan ke...