water contentmagma evolutionWe provide the first direct measurements of water in mafic melts from Arenal volcano, Costa Rica. Ion microprobe analyses of olivine-hosted melt inclusions (MI) from the prehistoric ET3 (AR-19) and ET6 (AR-16) tephra layers reveal high concentrations of volatile ...
crystal growth thus potentially sampling and preserving the composition of the magma, including its volatile content at the time of entrapment. Among the available basic products, there is a general agreement in considering the lavas from Mt. Maletto (~ 7 Ka; Kamenetsky and Clocchiatti1996; S...
Maximum MI sulfur correlates with the Sr content (as a proxy for LREE, Ba, Rb, P2O5) of recharge magmas, represented by basaltic andesitic to andesitic enclaves and similar-aged lavas. These results suggest that oxidized Sr-rich recharge magmas dominated early and late in the development of ...
Pompilio (2004), The relationship between volatile content and the eruptive style of basaltic magma: The Etna case, Ann. Geophys., 47, 1423 - 1432.Del Carlo, P., Pompilio, M., 2004. The relationship between volatile content and the eruptive style of basaltic magma: the Etna case. Ann. ...
For the first time, to our knowledge, we show geochemical evidence that this storage is key to the generation of extreme isotopic domains that were previously thought to be related only to deep recycling. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options ...
Similar content being viewed by others Rapid metal pollutant deposition from the volcanic plume of Kīlauea, Hawai’i ArticleOpen access04 May 2021 Noble gas isotopes reveal degassing-derived eruptions at Deception Island (Antarctica): implications for the current high levels of volcanic activity ...
The partitioning of Cl between the water-rich vapor phase and the residual magma can be modelled as open-system Rayleigh fractionation. Using a pre-eruptive H2O content of 4.3 wt.%, and Burnham's (1979) water solubility model, the pressure and depth of initial vesiculation of the Taupo ...
(even in extreme 60% crystallization situations) and that produced by the volume of injected material leads me to conclude that at Soufriere Hills Volcano, volatile exsolution is not a plausible physical process for the production of magma chamber pressures inferred from ground-deformation GPS data....
openUP (April 2008) Melt–H2O contents In high-grade melt-bearing samples, the H2O content of the coexisting granitic melt has been calculated (Table 4) from the measured cordierite H2O content using the Dw relationships of Harley & Carrington (2001). The resulting data are compared with ...
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