Meanwhile, the co-pigmentation improved film's mechanical and hydrophobic properties, expressed as higher tensile strength (16.65 and 17.97 Mpa) and lower water vapor permeability (1.45 and 1.41) in CS-PCA and TA-PCA films, compared to PCA film. CS-PCA and TA-PCA films showed distinct color...
摘要:Multi-stage ignition and/or double NTC (negative temperature coefficient) behavior resulted from the low-temperature oxidation of ether compounds are still not clearly explained. We have investigated the oxidation mechanism of a stoichiometric DEE (d...
The interfacial shear strength of the recycled carbon fibres with epoxy resin was examined using a micro-droplet test. The corresponding as received carbon fibres were used as control samples. It was shown that the recycling process converted some of the surface hydroxyl groups into carbonyl and ...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
H2O2 Based Oxidation Processes for the Treatment of Real High Strength Aqueous Wastes. Sustainability, 9(2), 244.H2O2 based oxidation processes for the treatment of real high strength aqueous wastes. COLLIVIGNARELLI M,PEDRAZZANI R,SORLINI S,et al. Sustainability . 2017...
Senescence is integral to the flowering plant life-cycle. Senescence-like processes occur also in non-angiosperm land plants, algae and photosynthetic prokaryotes. Increasing numbers of genes have been assigned functions in the regulation and execution o
The glass transition temperature, dilatometric softening temperature, and melting temperature of soda-lime-silicate glass doped with rare earth oxides increased with increasing cationic field strength of corresponding rare earth ions. select article Energy transfer from Tb3+ to Eu3+ in zinc lead borate...
the energy interaction parameters (FK,EK), Lande spin orbit coupling (ξ4f), nephelauxetic ratio (β), bonding parameter (b1/2), percent covalency (δ), oscillator strength were calculated and the Judd-Oflet intensity parameters of 4f-4f transition have been computed on computer using partial...
Meanwhile, the co-pigmentation improved film's mechanical and hydrophobic properties, expressed as higher tensile strength (16.65 and 17.97 Mpa) and lower water vapor permeability (1.45 and 1.41) in CS-PCA and TA-PCA films, compared to PCA film. CS-PCA and TA-PCA films showed distinct color...
Subsequently, we show that the same picture is obtained from those of Janson et al., despite that their spin exchanges are considerably smaller than ours in the strengths of AFM character due to their use of very large Ueff values. As can be seen from Table 1, the strongest exchange J2 ...