WHY ART 2014 - Wang Mao,Xu Cong08.30 - 10.15 Stories About Place08.30 - 10.17 40 +4, Art Is Not Enough! Not Enough!08.29 - 09.17 The Ways of Object Being Named08.29 - 11.30 Three Emerging Artists Project08.29 - 10.12 The Moment,We Awe - Korean Contemporary Art08.29 - 09.28 Klein Sun...
I have been doing tabata (JORDAN YEOH MY MAN) once every two days, but since we are not allowed to exercise nor drink after jabbing, I was just thinking hmmmmmm welll….. Don’t ask me why but my mf stupid ass thought WELL HEY,WHY NOT TRY TO EAT SALAD EVERY DAY FOR FUN? SEE ...