void T1zd(void) interrupt 3 //3定时器1的中断号 1定时器0的中断号 0外部中断1 2外部中断2 4串口中断{ TH1 = 0x1c; //12.000 TL1 = 0x18; LedNumVal++; 如上是一个定时响应程序,interrupt 3 lfib34872014.07.27浏览55次软件分享举报lfib3487 采纳率:59% 等级:9 已帮助:961人 私信TA向TA提问 搜...
I was so convinced that the Arduino-ESP32 SPI.WriteBytes function had some critical fault in it (as that's where the crash stack pointed to on an ESP32-S3). Well, after peppering the whole code section with Serial.Print statements, I found a missing "return" on a non-void function i...