Example: makedepends="foo blah". checkdepends The list of dependencies required to run the package checks, i.e. the script or make rule specified in the template's do_check() function. Example: checkdepends="gtest". depends The list of dependencies required to run the package. These ...
NOTE: by default in void you shouldn't do this manually, your user must be a member of thexbuildergroup. To enable it: $ cd void-packages $ echo XBPS_CHROOT_CMD=uchroot >> etc/conf If for some reason it's erroring out asERROR clone (Operation not permitted), check that your user...
The example values assume a localhost CPU with 4 cores of which at most 2 are used for compiler jobs. The number of slots for preprocessor jobs is set to 24 in order to have enough preprocessed data for other CPUs to compile. The worker has a CPU with 8 cores and the /...
USAGE EXAMPLE Learn how seamless it is to add and use URL Reputation API anywhere you want All it takes is a HTTPS POST request with JSON payload to our endpoint, and you’ll receive the response within seconds, usually within 3-15 seconds. Here are a few code examples to use the API...
How to access return value when the Java Script window.close(); method is executed ? How to access session variable in global.asax file how to access SQL server using Public IP How to access text file in web site root folder? How to access using javascript ContentPlaceHolder elements in Mas...
c# script to check SQL server Service Status C# script to open email attachment(.msg) in a folder and download attachment. C# searching a Access Database C# see if files exist in SFTP directory C# Select .CSV File, Read Into MS Access Database C# Send Data To Various Computer C# Send ...
This repository contains the XBPS source packages collection to build binary packages for the Void Linux distribution.The included xbps-src script will fetch and compile the sources, and install its files into a fake destdir to generate XBPS binary packages that can be installed or queried through...
The NPM script 'start' exited without indicating that the Angular CLI was listening for requests The process cannot access the file xxxx because it is being used in another process The request has been blocked the content must be served over https The request isn't redirected to hostname:port...
c# script to check SQL server Service Status C# script to open email attachment(.msg) in a folder and download attachment. C# searching a Access Database C# see if files exist in SFTP directory C# Select .CSV File, Read Into MS Access Database C# Send Data To Various Computer C# Send ...
NOTE: by default in void you shouldn't do this manually, your user must be a member of thexbuildergroup. To enable it: $ cd void-packages $ echo XBPS_CHROOT_CMD=uchroot >> etc/conf If for some reason it's erroring out asERROR clone (Operation not permitted), check that your user...