括号里的void 意思是这个函数没有参数 也就是说你不用给这个函数传递参数
In C++: void foo()means "a functionfootaking no arguments" void foo(void)means "a functionfootaking no arguments" 就是说: 对于C语言:如果参数列表为空,表示可以接受任何参数;如果参数是void,表示不可以接受任何参数。 对于C++:参数列表为空和参数是void都表示不可以接受任何参数。 Example 下面的例子中,...
Being disallowed as value type, void has been used in at least two not directly related ways to designate "forbidden": specifying (void) as parameter specification in function types means providing any arguments to them is forbidden (while '()' would to the contrary mean everything is allowed...
it can point to only int type variable. To overcome this problem, we use a pointer to void. A pointer to void means a generic pointer that can point to any data type. We can assign the address of any data type to the void pointer, and a void pointer can be assigned to any type ...
1. The death of his dog left an aching void in the old man's heart. 老人的狗死了,这在他心中留下了痛苦的空虚感。 void 网络解释 1. 空隙:b)圆角(nllet)对于焊点是指接合点的空隙间所露出焊料的部分. c)空隙(Void)在形成的焊点中,焊料没有遍及到的空洞. ...
void means the function does not take any parameters. For example, int init (void) { return 1; } This is not the same as defining int init () { return 1; } because in the second case the compiler will not check whether the function is really called with no arguments at all; in...
intf();// means int f(void) in C ++// int f( unknown ) in C Rationale: This is to avoid erroneous function calls (i.e., function calls with the wrong number or type of arguments). Effect on original feature: Change to semantics of well‑defined feature. This feature was marked ...
void funct(void *a, int z) { if(z==1) printf("%d",*(int*)a); // If user inputs 1, then he means the data is an integer and type casting is done accordingly. else if(z==2) printf("%c",*(char*)a); // Typecasting for character pointer. else if(z==3) printf("%f"...
This means that even if you try to refactor all of your code to avoid this, you’re only “fixing” the issue by running away from it. And yes, while I agree if possible you should try and write code that doesn’t trap you into crappy patterns, sometimes curiosity wins out. Is ther...
The omission of void in parameters means that the function takes any number of arguments: Suppose a program: void func() { } void func2(void) { } int main(void) { func(2); func2(2); } Now compiling it with gcc -std=c11 -Wall -pedantic test.c, you get errors from...