最好的变声软件Voicemod和拍档Elgato Stream Deck 2020-12-01 13:00:00 6点赞 42收藏 0评论 创作立场声明:原创干货分享最好的变声软件Voicemod和拍档Elgato Stream Deck值得安利的小众软件 使用评测 6 42 0 分享 举报 文章很值,打赏犒劳作者一下 打赏“首席”打赏官正虚席以待!
00:00/00:00 最好的变声软件Voicemod拍档Elgato Stream Deck 科技看天下发布于:北京市2022.11.22 17:51 +1 首赞
So, you can point any macros or one-click actions you need to complete during your stream can to one of the Stream Deck's keys and it is ready for you to use straight away. The Stream Deck is for use with any streaming platform, which is why the partnership with Voicemod makes so ...
Essentially, once you've installed the Voicemod Bits extension in Twitch, you're ready to add voice augmentation options to your stream. Before you start streaming, Voicemod Bits allows you to arrange your voice presets—as options for your viewers to choose from—via the TwitchPluginmenu optio...
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