[06-16]【求助..奇了怪了,为啥AUX input 输出到A1没声音,而其他的正常到A1的都是有声音的。观察了会发现A1左边通道是有声音的,右边通道没声音,有没有大佬知道应该怎么修复
“播放设备”下的:VoiveMeeterAux Input 和VoiceMeeter Input“录音设备”下的:VoiceMeeterAux Output 和 VoiceMeeter Output选择其中带“Aux”字样的作为默认的播放设备/录音设备,在设置过程中,右侧的小电平表有绿色的起伏,说明有信号正常进入。 bojun0925 知名人士 10 4. 将你的音乐播放器(用来播放伴奏的)的播放...
单击HARDWARE INPUT这里选择你要输入的硬件设备,有三个每个通道可以选一个单击A1这里可以选择输出的硬件设备,三个硬件通道每一个可以选一个设备:三硬输入都是来自你的声卡上插入的麦克风等外入设备,三硬输出都是你的声卡上接出的音响耳机等放声设备。 不学无术 Mali 8 两条虚拟输入的来源AUX对应AUX,VAIO对应另...
本吧热帖: 1-更新 Voicemeeter|Potato|Banana|三版本完全汉化版 2-请问如何能够自己测试虚拟麦克风播放出来的声音效果?语音通话吗 3-关于Virutual input显示No driver present的解决方法 4-求助帖 voicemeeter potato版本无法安装
Voicemeeter Potato has three“Virtual Inputs”, as I mentioned in Step 2. Subject #1 would route to “Voicemeter Input”, Subject #2 would route to “Voicemeeter Aux Input” and Subject #3 would route to “Voicemeeter VAIO”; however, this reaches the limit of my knowledge, as I don’...
So both output and input channel on each of these VAIO/AUX VAIO/VAIO3 show audio in any application that can read them. So first off: 1. Since I do not have a 2nd working PC right now, can you confirm whether this behavior is similar on your PC. I think it should be as this ...
It used to do the same behaviour before but all i had to do was to reconfigure the source , switch from output mode to input vice versa and it was working. now it does not. This is a great plugin for anyone that wants have a voicemeeter oreitend workflow and i would like to see ...
So now, I a fully working SimHub that can also be controlled through Voicemeter in that I can apply bass transducers with any app on my PC. I use this for listening to music, video, and games that are not designed to work with SimHub. It is a great perk. Upvote 0 You...
在控制面板里-声音-播放,里面有 voicemeeter aux input 和 voicemeeter input 这两路,你要在这两路里面 把其中一路设置成默认设备,(哪一路都行),然后你游戏里的声音就是你已经设置默认的这路。 比如,设置 voicemeeter aux input 这路 为默认播放设备。 然后在voicemeeter 主程序面板 中间 有个 voicemeeter aux ...
在控制面板里-声音-播放,里面有 voicemeeter aux input 和 voicemeeter input 这两路,你要在这两路里面 把其中一路设置成默认设备,(哪一路都行),然后你游戏里的声音就是你已经设置默认的这路。 比如,设置 voicemeeter aux input 这路 为默认播放设备。 然后在voicemeeter 主程序面板 中间 有个 voicemeeter aux ...