If this is the case, keep reading to learn more about how to turn off voicemail on your iPhone. How to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone With MMI Codes You may be able to turn your iPhone voicemail off directly usingMMI codes. These are special codes that you dial into the Phone app, whic...
My voicemail won’t turn off on my iPhone on O2 My voicemail won’t turn off on my iPhone on O2 [Re-Titled by Moderator] iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18 Posted on Jan 6, 2025 1:22 PM Me too Reply 1 reply Sort By: Rank Page...
Keep reading to learn how to turn off Voicemail on your iPhone. Why turn off Voicemail on iPhone? Before checking out the workarounds, let us explore some of the most common reasons why you might want to turn off the Voicemail feature on your iPhone: Become an iOS 18 Master: Get our...
Voicemail is a reliable feature in iPhone that enables users to schedule their meetings and contact others when they get time to respond. Although it provides excellent help, sometimes, you want to disable it for some reason. Many people search for a solution to the issue ofhow to turn off ...
Before we set up voicemail on your iPhone, let’s first turn off call forwarding. When call forwarding is on, if you are unavailable to take calls, the call will be forwarded to the number you’ve set instead of going to voicemail.Step 1: Launch the Settings app on your iPhone and ...
Open theSettingsapp on your iPhone. Now, scroll down and tap onPhone. Look for theLive Voicemailoption and turn it off. Exit theSettingsapp. Now, restart your device and check if the voicemails are back. NOTE If you don’t see the Live Voicemail option in your settings, it means that...
Learn how to turn off your voicemail temporarily or permanently. Remove the feature to use your answering machine with Wireless Home Phone.Turn off your voicemail Before you begin Turn voicemail on and offTo prevent your calls from going to voicemail temporarily, change your Call Forwarding settings...
How to turn off voicemail on Verizon With Verizon, there are several versions of voicemail (basic, visual and premium visual). Some types of voicemail can even cost money at the end of the month, so there's even more reason to get rid of them. To disable voicemail on Verizon, you'll...
Turn offLive Voicemail. On the same note:How to record and send a FaceTime video message from your iPhone or iPad Supported Languages Currently, Live Voicemail only works inEnglishwhen your iPhone’s region is set to theUnited StatesorCanada. ...
Turn off your iPhone, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on. Restart the device. That's it. Still not solved --> Force restart iPhone - Apple Support If the issue persists, you can try resetting all settings on your iPhone. This will not erase your data but will reset...