Nov 11, 2024 1:28 PM in response to Ask123it You can't turn off VM from the phone. You might be able to do it from your carrier's website or account. Or, you may need to call them. Reply of 1 Mini 13 iPhone Voicemail Settings Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum wh...
In this articleEnabling voicemail on your Ting accountSetting up your voicemail inboxSetting up visual voicemail on your iPhoneSetting up visual voicemail on your AndroidUsing third-party visual voicemail apps Ting Voicemail: Stay connected, your way Ting offers two voicemail options to suit your need...
The voicemail settings are controlled by your carrier, so contact your carrier. View in context Similar questions i cannot set up my voicemail on my new iphone 12 mini How do I set up voicemail on my iPhone 12 mini 4 years ago 315 1 Voicemail I’m now using iphone 7 plus ,well my...
Step 1: Start by opening up "Settings" on your iPhone and continue to move into the "General" settings. From there, scroll down to reach the "Transfer or Reset iPhone" option and tap on it. Step 2: In the next step, tap the "Erase All Content and Settings" option and continue foll...
Open Settings on your iPhone. Scroll down and select Phone app. Scroll down to Live Voicemail and select it. Tap the slider on the right to turn it on. That’s it! The next time you get a phone call, look at the screen. It will show Waiting first. As the person is talkin...
Choose a password that is easy to remember, though you can change it later inSettings. Step 5: Choose your voicemail greeting Choose the type of greeting you want people to hear when they reach voicemail Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet This is the message that will play when someone reaches your...
iPhone 11 Turning on Live Voicemail Live Voicemail displays the caller's spoken words on the screen in real time. The feature is helpful when you're uncertain about whether to answer a call or not, as it allows you to preview the message and screen the call before making a decision.Less...
Step 5: Once the recovery process is complete, the entire iCloud data will be restored to your iPhone. You can now check the recovered voicemail on your iPhone. Please note that you need to erase all content and settings before restoring the backup. ...
If you don't know your old PIN, give us a call at 888-936-4968. You can also get support by logging in to your Xfinity Mobile account or chatting with us online. Change your PIN Apple iPhone devices Go to Settings > Phone > Change Voicemail Password. ...
⚙️ Misconfigured settings: If your phone’s voicemail box is behaving strangely, it might be connected to the settings on your device. So if you’ve made any changes on your iPhone or Android device lately, you can try to reset all settings on it to bring them back to default. ...