Once in the sales mailbox we need another menu with 2 options: 1) For seller 1 press 1, for seller 2 press 2. In case no agent available, the call is sent to the corresponding voicemail. What is the best way to implement this scenario using Unity Connection? Thanks, MK I ha...
We offer virtually unlimited transcription plan on per mailbox basis. The billing is mostly based on the number of mailboxes in your account. What audio formats and languages are supported? Nearly all audio formats are supported. US/Canada English is the supported language at this point. ...
We offer virtually unlimited transcription plan on per mailbox basis. The billing is mostly based on the number of mailboxes in your account. What audio formats and languages are supported? Nearly all audio formats are supported. US/Canada English is the supported language at this point. ...
Best practice stipulates that you keep your messageunder 30 seconds. This is the sweet spot to prevent potentially getting cut off by the recipient’s voice mailbox system, or having the listener hang up early because your message was simply too long. Save your sales pitch for an actual sale...
This is also the DN used when transferring a caller to somone's mailbox. If you are asking about name dialing only, this is usually a thru dial selection in a voice menu. ie: Press 1 for the company directory, where "1" is thru dial by name. The caller is then prompted...
Is it possible to have Voicemail Boxes for Users without a Phone? We have a client asking if they can have 20 voicemail boxes but only 15 physical phones. Is it possible to create this set up in a UC540? Would it require setting up "extensions" fo...
Enter your mobile number without the area code. Tap OK. You’re done! Third Choice:If you’d like to give it one last try from your voicemail box, follow this sequence of steps. Consider this a last-ditch effort if all else fails!
If the IVR is not specified in this table, calls to the phone number are directed to the recording application. Therefore, if LanguageChoiceAutoAttendant is not specified, phone calls to 15108437000 would be sent to the voicemail mailbox for 15108437000. ...
Most of those records included caller names, such as individuals or business names, phone numbers, a name or identifier for the voice mailbox, like a first name or general label, including “clinical staff” or appointments,” and internal identifiers. ...
A Tutorial of Aspen Voice Mailbox Systems, by Slycath “There is also the old “change the message” secret to make it say something to the effect of this line accepts all toll charges so you can bill third party calls to that number” ...