by obliging the phone companies to allow consumers to hook up modems to their voice lines. It is the current unregulated environment in the US that has caused our Internet to become, if not broken, at least considerably worse than it is in many...
Only 3 companies introduced services prior to 2003. IDC estimates that this number will double over the next 12 months. Categories of service providers offering hosted IP voice services are: ! CLECs: There are 7 companies offering service. ! Incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs): There are...
Verizon’s Travel Pass gives you talk, text and data that are limited to your present plan, but for $10 per day in “over 100 countries”. Sprint began a plan in 2015 that provides unlimited international roaming, unlimited texting, and voice calls at $0.20 per minute in Latin America, ...
In today’s world where industries and individual companies are over-saturated with misconceptions and misreadings, it’s people like Rory who are able to scythe through the noise and create an impact that’s felt on a number of levels. And that all comes with his varied career which covers...
On-premise wiring is protected from power line crosses by a device that provides overcurrent and overvoltage protection. Nevertheless, if the on-premise wiring is in close proximity to, or not shielded from, the off-premise wiring or power cables during a lightning strike or power su...
Just over a year ago it was "Hello Barbie" making the headlines for precisely the same reasons. Yes, it's a cool idea but no, I (and many others) don't want my kids exposed in that way. In fact, just before that, we had the VTech data breach which exposed a huge am...
This article explores the intersectionalities of masculinity, fatherhood, and physical activity in relation to a Physical Education teacher who has been diagnosed with an illness. In so doing, we draw on autobiographical narratives to delve into how embo
This finding of the study implies that the vehicle control and navigation instruction followed did not cause cognitive overload in the research scenario, so the driving performance improved with the increase in the amount of information in the navigation voice prompt. However, it should be noted ...