Next, get package from pub dependencies: flutter pub get How to use All you need is pass your audio file src to VoiceMessage widget: VoiceMessage( audioSrc: 'YOUR_AUDIO_URL', played: false, // To show played badge or not. me: true, // Set message side. onPlay: () {}, // Do...
flutter pub get Run the app: flutter run Usage Launch WaveChat on your device. Grant microphone permissions when prompted to enable voice communication. Select a channel from the list of available channels or create a new one. Press and hold the Hold-to-Talk button to speak. Release to list...
Installing the Huawei AR Engine NuGet package SDK Permissions Client Development Guide Pre-release Check App Release SDK Data Security Personal Data Processing Information FAQs Flutter About the Service Version Change History Development Guide Development Process Preparations Preparing ...
For the message type, see ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE. The message content is a dictionary for parsing the API callback contents. API prototype - (void)OnEvent:(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE)eventType data:(NSDictionary*)data; Sample code //TMGRealTimeViewController.m TMGRealTimeViewController ()< ITMG...
Package APIs DescribeBundles DescribeBundleDiscount Other APIs InquirePriceRenewInstances InquirePriceCreateInstances Key APIs ModifyInstancesLoginKeyPairAttribute ImportKeyPair DisassociateInstancesKeyPairs DescribeKeyPairs DescribeInstanceLoginKeyPairAttribute DeleteKeyPairs CreateKeyPair AssociateInstancesKeyPairs Instanc...
问题所在:任务':twilio_voice:verifyReleaseResources'.的执行失败执行$ActionFacade Android资源链接失败的C:\src\\hosted\\twilio_voice-0.0.9\android\src\main\res\layou 浏览11提问于2021-09-28得票数 0...
However, after I use VoiceOver to focus on the message composition text field, I can still perform actions like paste on it. In Flutter, on the other hand, I can only perform paste operations on the text field that has keyboard focus. This means I can only paste into the recipient text...
flutter run ##Usage: On the calculator interface, you can manually enter mathematical expressions by tapping the buttons corresponding to the numbers and operators. To perform calculations using voice input, tap the microphone button. Speak the mathematical expression clearly, and the app will convert...
Provides an interface to Twilio's Programmable Voice SDK to allow voice-over-IP (VoIP) calling into your Flutter applications. This plugin was taken from the original flutter_twilio_voice, as it seems that plugin is no longer maitained, this one is.Features...
import 'package:flutter_chat_types/flutter_chat_types.dart' as types; List<String> images = []; Future<List<llama.Message>> getHistory([String? addToSystem]) async { var system = prefs?.getString("system") ?? "You are a helpful assistant"; if (prefs!.getBool("noMarkdown") ?? fa...