You can open the voice chat GUI by pressing thekey. This allows you to open the settings, group chats, mute yourself, disable the voice chat, start/stop a recording and hide all icons. Group Chats Group chats allow you to talk to players that are not in your vicinity. To open the gr...
1.21.4 [FORGE][1.21.4] Simple Voice Chat 1.21.4-2.5.26 ReleaseR 1.21.4 Forge Dec 5, 2024 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.21 [FABRIC][1.21.4] Simple Voice Chat 1.21.4-2.5.27 BetaB 1.21.4 Fabric Dec 17, 2024 [NEOFORGE][1.21.4] Simple Voice Chat 1.21.4-2.5.27 BetaB 1.21.4...
浸入式语音(Immersive Voice)|我的世界1.12.2版本 浸入式语音模组是一个基于 Forge 的语音聊天模组,不需要借助任何外部程序。 这款模组是著名的 Gliby's Voice Chat 语音聊天的一个分支,只支持 1.12.2 版本, 同时,这个模组增加了一些 Gilby 语音没有的新特性。 为了增加真实性,我们新增了淡出半径的特性:你离说...
简单语音聊天 Simple Voice Chat 插件由作者“henkelmax”所制作。 这个插件给你的Minecraft服务器添加了一个近距离语音聊天功能。你可以选择按键说话(PTT)或者声音激活。默认的PTT键是大写锁定键,但是你可以在按键绑定设置里修改。你可以按V键来访问语音聊天设置。 插件
image: itzg/minecraft-server tty: true stdin_open: true ports: # Game port - "25565:25565/tcp" # Voice chat port - "24454:24454/udp" environment: EULA: "TRUE" TYPE: "NEOFORGE" VERSION: "1.21.1" # This will select the latest version of simple voice chat for 1.21.1. # You can ...
Simple Voice Chat is a proximity chat mod and plugin that allows you to chat with other nearby players without having to join a discord server or voice channel. This mod gives an extra level of immersion to the game and is a must have for any hosted Minecraft server. It can be a bit...
I'm going to show you how we made a Minecraft Forge mod to add in-game spatialized voice chat using High Fidelity's Spatial Audio API. The APIuses HRTFand other techniques to mix sounds in a realistic way that allows you to distinctly hear sounds from different directions while wearing or...
You have in this pack forge v1.19.2. Exhausted Ores will spawn only in 3 biomes (Desert/Forest/Plains) exhausted or... Minecraft 01/25/2024 10,470 Mod 9.6 UPDATED replace survivors voice to anime voice instructions:GCFscape to open, copy and paste it into your directory of voices ...
Snep has a GPLv2 license and all its code is in this repository and your download can be done in sourceforge. Transmission Transmission is a fast, easy and free BitTorrent client. ViaVersion Open source protocol translation addon for various Minecraft server platforms written in Java - https:/...
Minecraft's creator, Notch, is leaving after the deal, saying "I can't be responsible for something this big." TrueCrypt, the encryption tool of choice for terrorists whistleblowers everywhere has been reborn as CipherShed. Android applications can now be made to work on Linux, sort of. And...