iPhone-skærmbilleder Beskrivelse Welcome to Voice Changer App, a feature-rich, fun, and practical voice-changing application that can make your voice more interesting! Voice Changer supports high-quality original sound recording and voice-changing. In addition to basic voice-changing functions suc...
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You can close the interface and open the floating window to use the voice changer on another program. 4. Recording with name modifying function It allows you to modify the name of the recording. 5. Various voice effects and background sounds ...
In-App-Käufe möglich Screenshots iPad iPhone Beschreibung 你是否想要让平淡的聊天变得妙趣横生?实际上,你只需要给声音加一点特效! 变声器是你最好的选择:有各种各样的声效,可以让你以全新的方式来表达自己。你可以变成其他声音,或者加一些背景音效。说白了,就是你可以变出任何想要的声音。你的想象是唯一的...
版本:v1.7 iphone版时间:2018-02-26 应用介绍 Voice Changer苹果版是一款非常好用的手机变声器,这款变声器拥有非常强大的功能,能够支持多种声线的变化,各种男女互变,音质清晰无电流,欢迎各位感兴趣的朋友们下载使用这款软件。 Voice Changer苹果版介绍: 你是否想要让平淡的聊天变得妙趣横生?实际上,你只需要给声音...
Voice Changer苹果版是一款非常好用的手机声音变声软件,这款软件出来最基本的聊天变音之外还可以为你的声音加上各种特效哦,非常有意思,这款Voice Changer软件目前很多功能都是免费的,感兴趣的用户快来下载试试吧! Voice Changer苹果版介绍 Voice Changer可以完成多种不同的声变人物,比如为音视频剪辑,报告,解说,语音邮...
Best Voice Changer Apps During Call for Android and iPhone AndroRock Voice Changer This can be easily considered to be one of the best voice changer apps for Android devices. You can choose from a wide variety of effects on this app to modulate your voice to a different sound. It can app...
modulation options. All of the voice effects these apps offer can change a voice automatically, but if you would like to alter the voices in your videos you must choose an app that supports this option. Which of the best voice changer apps for iPhone and Android devices are you going to ...
Voice Changer苹果版是一款非常好用的手机变声器,这款变声器拥有非常强大的功能,能够支持多种声线的变化,各种男女互变,音质清晰无电流,欢迎各位感兴趣的朋友们下载使用这款软件。 Voice Changer苹果版介绍: 你是否想要让平淡的聊天变得妙趣横生?实际上,你只需要给声音加一点特效!
Famous Voice ChangerIOS版下载By Animet, Inc.出品分类: 摄影与录像 最后更新: 2025-01-21 发布日期: 2019-05-18 当前版本: 1.12 成人评级: 4+ 文件大小: 24.92 MB 开发人员: Animet, Inc. 系统平台: Mac / iPad / iPhone / 所有苹果系统 兼容性: 需要iOS 11.0 或更新....