11 diversion by way of the interrupted cadence, has nothing "rough" to it but rather serves to create an effect of "mysterious" parentheses before the final clause. In a recent article, Michael Pisani speaks of this "mysterious" effect as a kind of "sweetness of memory" (Pisani 2012: 37...
two types of clause (e.g. Anderson 1976, Chung 1978, Seiter 1980). Under this analysis, absolutives are not expected to form a coherent class of any grammatical significance apart from the peculiarity that they share the same case marking particle. Such an analysis treats the ...
Passive and Active Voice Jim learned to ski while on vacation in Colorado. Active and Passive Voice ; Strong and Weak Verbs
In (38), the external argument of the embedded clause is understood as the addressee of tell, i.e., the woman. (38) Cse-t cən ceʔ ɫə sɫeniʔ ʔəẃ qwəl-əɫc-əm-əs ʔə kwθə sce:ɫtən. tell-tr1....