Once you finish setting up voice access, we recommend you start the guide and familiarize yourself with the commands. You can always access the guide at a later point by accessing it from the voice access help menu. To quickly open the voice access guide, do one of the following: After s...
Once you finish setting up voice access, we recommend you start the guide and familiarize yourself with the commands. You can always access the guide at a later point by accessing it from the voice access help menu. To quickly open the voice access guide, do one of the following: After s...
Yes, you can use a screen reader to set up voice access. You can start voice access on your system, download the necessary speech model to enhance voice recognition capabilities, select the microphone to be used with voice access, navigate through the voice access use...
Yes, you can use a screen reader to set up voice access. You can start voice access on your system, download the necessary speech model to enhance voice recognition capabilities, select the microphone to be used with voice access, navigate through the voice access use...
Most of the time, start each statement with a verb. Edit out you can and there is, there are, there were. To learn more, see Verbs and Word choice.ExampleReplace this: You can access Office apps across your devices, and you get online file storage and sharing....
Voice quickstart guide API overview SDKs Start for free // Download the helper library from https://www.twilio.com/docs/node/installconsttwilio=require("twilio");// Or, for ESM: import twilio from "twilio";// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at twilio.com/console// and set the en...
You can specify default-called-telno to transmit incoming calls over a trunk to an intra-office user (dedicated access) or access number of the switchboard (switchboard access). If register-id is set to esn, the system automatically replaces the esn with the actual ESN. 12 Configure the us...
When user-group group-name is specified, voice terminals can obtain the network access rights specified by the user group after they go online. To use a user group to define network access rights for voice terminals, run the user-group group-name command to creat...
To assign an access list to a voice source group, use the access-list command in voice source-group configuration mode. To delete the access list, use the no form of this command. access-list access-list-number no access-list access-list-number Syntax Description access -list -number ...
Messaging Voice Serverless Flex Studio All docs... SDKs Help SearchK Log in Sign up You will also find additional examples that provide more advanced use cases of the Voice SDK: More Documentation You can find the API documentation of the Voice SDK: ...