(vodafone最新SIM Only Plan报价) 最近的活动价,一部分12个月的Contract,赠送更多流量! 第二步 如果你恰好想换个新手机,那么欢迎来到第二步。vodafone提供了RED Plans,你只需要选择想要的套餐,选择新手机,然后选择想几个月还完手机的钱(...
If you’re looking for abusiness SIM-only deal, Vodafone offers their business plans on eSIM at no extra cost. This will allow you to unlock thedual-SIM functionalityon newer iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and Google Pixel phones. You can then have two phone numbers at the same time on your devi...
Vodafone SIM Only Deals Vodafone is one of the four major UK mobile networks. They’re probably best known for providing a multitude of plans, as well as for combining TV and broadband services for those that like to save money by bundling. Vodafone is currently the third largest network in...
SIM-only plans 如果你在寻找SIM-only计划, Vodafone将是你的首选,由于促销折扣。与电信公司签约的第一年你将以每月35澳币的价格获取50GB。之后你将每月支付45澳币,但是这个计划是免费的合同,所以你可以随时退订。 Optus的SIM-only计划开始时每月39澳币得10GB, 但每月额外多花十澳币即可将限额提升至60GB。 Telstra毫...
(vodafone最新SIM Only Plan报价) 最近的活动价,一部分12个月的Contract,赠送更多流量! 第二步 如果你恰好想换个新手机,那么欢迎来到第二步。vodafone提供了RED Plans,你只需要选择想要的套餐,选择新手机,然后选择想几个月还完手机的钱(分为12个月、24个月、36个月)即可,且这几个月无利息!请注意无利息!
Lebara Mobile offers SIM-only deals from £2.50 per month. You'll get 5G coverage from Vodafone, with no contract & no credit check.
https://www.optus.com.au/mobile/plans/shop Vodafone也有活动,500gb每月只要55刀,价格更低! (点击图片,加入移民交流群) 图源:网络 而且在12个月后,也只需要每个月65刀,简直是太划算了··· 截止日期同样是11.16日哦~ 网址如下: https://www.vodafone.com.au/plans/sim-only ...
Vodafone has a huge range of mobile phone deals available, ranging from as little as £13 a month for a new Samsung Galaxy A14, all the way up to premium plans for the latest iPhone 15 Pro Max. You’ll also be able to choose the right amount of data to go with your handset, fro...
However, roaming with Vodafone is only free for the first 30 consecutive days of use. Once you exceed that, your roaming privileges will be suspended, and you'll have to pay extra to use your monthly allowances. Compare Vodafone SIM only deals ...
With Vodafone Basics, you can get 6GB data for £7, 40GB data for £8, or 60GB data for £10. These budget-friendly plans give you 99% coverage on Vodafone’s 4G network. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly SIM-only plan from a big name mobile network, Vodafone now offers...