has a duration of 2 years. In this type of training, the apprentice is involved in school and in the workplace, where practical learning of the profession takes place. An alternative for acquiring a certified vocational qualification is full-time vocational schools offering both practical/...
The sample, which initially consisted of 25 nursing trainees, was reduced to 12 and finally to seven contrasting cases using a theoretical sampling procedure (see Sect. "Analysis"). Study participants were mainly recruited from three nursing schools after being presented with information about the re...
In the case of the ECP, the program's objectives are clearly defined in the manuals that served as the basis for its implementation in schools: the program appears as “a measure to make secondary education practical and interactive to prepare students with relevant skills for working life and ...
careers-internet.orgCareers Internet Database | Vocational Information Database | Schools Colleges Libraries Counselors Careers Internet Database - 400 career fields - thousands of jobs for students exploring careers and adults who need a new start in today's tough job market ...
3.1. Navigating Grief and Future Uncertainties: Reasons for Enrolling in a Vocational High School I experienced the sudden death of my father during my third year of middle school. At that time, the adults around me, including my homeroom teacher, could only offer vague words of encouragement ...