Effect of psychological stress on female vocal quality. Folia Phoniatr. Logop. 61, 105-111.Van Lierde K, van Heule S, De Ley S, Mertens E, Claeys S. Effect of psychological stress on female vocal quality. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2009; 61: p. 105-111. doi: 10.1159/000209273...
relief, and pride. But despite the importance of the voice in communicating emotion in general and positive emotion in particular, there is to date no systematic review of what characterizes vocal expressions of different positive
During social interactions, acoustic parameters of tetrapods’ vocalisations reflect the emotional state of the caller. Higher levels of spectral noise and the occurrence of irregularities (non-linear phenomena NLP) might be negative arousal indicators i
and upper arm girth104. Weight (in kg) was measured as part of the first body scanning process with the integrated SECA 635 scale (SECA, Hamburg, Germany). Body height (in cm) was measured twice using a stadiometer while participants stood barefoot, and the two values were averaged (ICC...
And because of those mental and psychological blocks and issues which have been present in my life, it became apparent to me that as I am working on my voice, I also started to pay attention to all of the other areas of my life that had identical blockages; and to my surprise, they...
(Andersson1994). Indeed, the conspicuity of vocal sexual dimorphisms in some species prompted Darwin to speculate on the influence of sexual selection (Darwin1871), conjecturing that deep male vocalizations tend to evolve in the context of intrasexual rivalry as a means of exaggerating apparent ...
Van Lierde K, Van Heule S, De Ley S, et al. Effect of psychological stress on female vocal quality: a multiparameter approach. Folia Phoniatr Logop. 2008;61:105-111.Van Lierde K, Van Heule S, De Ley S, Mertens E, Claeys S. Effect of psy- chological stress on female vocal ...
Carballo, "Vocal tremor and psychological stress," Journal of Voice, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 105-112, 1999.Mendoza, E, Carballo, G (1999) Vocal tremor and psychological stress. J Voice 13: pp. 105-112Mendoza, E. & Carballo, G. (1999). Vocal tremor and psychological stress. Journal ...
(2012).Vocal function in intro- verts and extraverts during a psychological stress reactivity protocol. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55, 973-987.Dietrich M, Verdolini Abbott K. Vocal function in introverts and extraverts during a psychological stress reactivity protocol. J ...