作者:uscitizenpod 分类:美国专栏 Who was the second president? Adams was the second president. There are three parts of the USCIS Citizenship interview: 1) English Speaking/Listening: the applicant must orally answer question based on the N-400r Application for Naturalization. 2) Civics Test: th...
citizenship n. [公民(的身份)] status of a citizen with rights and duties Migrants applying for Australian citizenship will have to know about indigenous people's traditions and the colors of the nation's flag in tests. Show examples and contexts clam n. [蛤] soft edible body of such ...
Civics Unit Test Study Guide: Americans, Citizenship & Government 29個詞語 Highschool_Student12 預覽 Vocab quiz 2 US GOV 10個詞語 Emilia_Powderly 預覽 American Government Unit 1 43個詞語 wwagner07 預覽 Abdul Ismail Chapter 2 Vocabulary Notecards 37個詞語 AbdulwahabIsmail 預覽 Government test 20...
citizenship test parts four and five 56個詞語 Makenzie_Towne 預覽 SS Test - 6/7 18個詞語 Madison_Pape3 預覽 America: Land I Love Test 9 66個詞語 lenagrace09 預覽 THE ALAMO AND THE MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR - US HISTORY 30個詞語 aparsons60 預覽 APUSH MCQ 7-16 212個詞語 cchung2025 預覽 ...
For more about immigration in American history, see this interactive chart. (It links at the bottom to several maps on immigration.) You can also read this story about it and practice irregular past tense verbs. If you are studying for the U.S. Citizenship test, see American Citizenship ...
for his/her peers demonstrates his/her caring nature when helping his/her peers when they need the assistance is a model citizen in our classroom is demonstrates his/her citizenship in our classroom by helping to keep it clean and taking care of the materials in it can always be counted on...
US Citizenship Test 2025. Education US States Quiz. Education Idioms and Phrases. Education Ontario G1 Practice Test 2025. Education Australian Citizenship Test. Education You Might Also Like See All Vocabulary Builder App Education Vocabulary Builder Every Day Education Vocabulary - Learn ...
Vocabulary for the Naturalization Interview This list is based on the USCIS's “Vocabulary for the Naturalization Interview” self-test for immigrants preparing for their citizenship interviews. MORE VOCABULARY LISTS Learn with us Learner subscriptions Vocabulary lists Dictionary Test Prep Join a Vocabu...
Émigré A person forced to flee his country for political reasons.‹minence grise A person who wields great power and influence, but secretely or unofficially.Enamor To fill with love and charm.Enfranchise To free from slavery; to admit to citizenship; the right to vote. Disenfranchise, ...
In the meantime, we have contented ourselves with the quick read through of“San Francisco Cable Car”, by Julie Murray.A thin book with lots of really good photos (but not as good as a selfie from said favorite family member)and just enough information for us....